Karla News

Best Place to Submit Your Article

This article will offer tips to help you decide on the best place to submit your article.

For anyone new to article marketing, the first hurdle you must overcome is the pain of churning out that first 500 word masterpiece. Once your first article is written, the next step is to have it published somewhere on the internet. Now you are faced with a new and even harder decision of choosing the best place to submit your article. The choice may prove to be more difficult than you think because there are literally hundreds of directories and article marketing sites to choose from. Deciding on the best place to submit your article to can be a difficult choice to make.

Just do a search on Google for article directories, blogs or ezine publishers and these two queries will return literally hundreds of good places to submit your article to. Your main goal should be to submit your article to a site with the best page rank. But wait just a minute. Don’t be too swift to submit your article to a particular directory just because it has a high page rank. There are several other factors you should consider before deciding where to post your article.

There are major article sites that will definitely scrutinize what you write, and how you write it. You will also be very restricted in so far as the number of links you include in your article, the type of links you can use, and where those links can appear. Most high-ranking article sites will frown upon affiliate links in your article. So, prepare your article for submission accordingly. When you submit to these sites, your article will be thoroughly reviewed, and if any problems are found, it will be returned to you to make changes so that your article complies with the site’s publishing guidelines. You must follow these guidelines to the letter.

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If you are a first-timer, and uneasy about putting your first article out there for public consumption, try submitting to some of the less restrictive article sites, such as everydayarticles.com, outblogger.com or freearticlespot.com. It will be easy for you to get your article posted on these sites, so you can actually see what it will look like online, you can go back in and edit or tweak it, and you won’t feel the pressure of having to have it just right or face possible rejection due to problems.

Here are some major factors to consider when you are trying to decide on the best place to submit your article.

1. What is your objective in writing this article?

What are you trying to do with your article? Are you trying to alert your readers about an important issue? Are you promoting a product or service? Are you trying to persuade your reader to click on your links and go to your website, where they will be presented with a selection of products to purchase? In this case, you certainly want to submit your article to a highly rated article site, such as EzineArticles.com, or ArticleBase.com or Associated Content. These are just some of the best sites to submit your article for publication on the web.

Are you merely trying to build quality backlinks to your website to improve it’s page rank? Then you might want to consider a site like JoinAndPost.com, an article posting site that serves that very purpose. Though the page rank may be low, submitting to a site like this will provide an excellent opportunity for you to build quality backlinks to your website, which will help you improve pagerank. Keep in mind the word quality, because including certain elements in your article can lower its quality (affiliate links for example), so be sure that your links point to a top-level domain rather than an affiliate site.

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2. What is the Focus Of Your Article?

The topic of your article will weigh heavily on where you ultimately decide to post it. Try to get your article published on a site devoted to your topic. That way your article will be highly relevant to the site it is posted on. For example, if you are a dog-lover and the focus of your article is about dog health care, or dog maintenance, or dog grooming, then the best place to submit your article would be a site devoted to dogs, where it would gain the most attention. Let’s say for example, you posted in on a site about zoo animals, it would be totally out of context, and irrelevant. Therefore, no matter how good it is, it would lose some quality because it is posted on an irrelevant site.

3. Where will your article be most relevant?

You also need to evaluate your article in terms of its relevance. It is a very good idea to do a keyword check on your article to make sure that the keywords you have chosen for it, accurately represent the content and focus of the article. This is a very hard lesson for many authors to learn, and was equally difficult for me. But if you learn it in the early stage of your writing, it will become habitual and you will see the benefits in page rank and sales.

Once you have decided on the best place to submit your article, the next logical step will require both some time and patience. You will need to visit each article site, fill in their form to register a new account with them. Once this is done, you will need to return to your email and verify your new account. This will allow you to log in on the article site. Now here’s a very important next step. Create your author resource box which will include your bio and the links to your website. Never overlook the author resource box. It tells people where and how to find your site.

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Next you will have to fill in their article submission form, select the appropriate category, write your article, or if it is already written, copy and past it (from notepad), and submit it for publication. Now there will be a waiting period for it to be approved — sometimes short, sometimes long, depending on the particular site.

Of course, you can avoid the above step by using one of several automated submission services available for a fee, to get your article submitted quickly. However, I will save this topic for a future article.

In the final analysis, deciding on the best place to submit your article can be a difficult process. Choosing wisely can make you a winner. And choosing unwisely can ruin your page rank. Always take into consideration all of the factors mentioned above, and you’ll be fine.