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Best Landscape Shrubs – Viburnum Shrub


Using the most effective plants in your landscaping can only be done of course, if the homeowner has some knowledge of plants. Otherwise he should consult with his nurseryman to be sure he is purchasing the proper shrub or tree. Just as an example, there are about 25 or 30 different species of the shrub I am featuring today (the Viburnum) and they range in size from low-growing dwarfs to tree-size plants. Usually, if you tell your nurseryman where and how you are going to use the plant, he will tell you which species to use.

While it is true that we have many shrubs and trees which can be used effectively in many ways in the landscape, it is also true that certain plants seem to be particularly favored for specific purposes and the Viburnum odoratissimum fits perfectly into the picture I have in mind – breaking up the bareness of what would otherwise be a drab uninteresting corner.

Known best by its common name of ‘Sweet Viburnum’ this shrub will easily reach a height of 15 or more feet, has good looking attractive foliage year round and produces loads of fragrant white flowers in four-inch trusses in spring. This excellent shrub is really quite attractive throughout the year, even when not in bloom. The foliage incidentally is quite large and measures about five inches, deep green during summer with some of the leaves turning somewhat red when the weather gets chilly.

Use it if you can. Ideal also as tall hedge material. While it is true that due to the lack of space, very few nurseries can carry even half of the material which could be used with good results in landscaping, the nurseryman can usually suggest the best shrub or tree to use for the special purpose you have in mind. I am thinking now about some of the almost exotic trees such as the Chorisia speciosa which will be in bloom soon followed by other out of this world items including the Hong Kong Orchid tree.

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There is no reason why every home should not have at least one outstanding shrub or tree in bloom every season of the year and when I say “Outstanding” I mean something really above the ordinary.

Do as much as you can in the way of soil conditioning ready for later planting. What you will have above the ground will be determined to a great extent by what you have under the surface. Use lots and lots of organics such as steer manure and planter mix with all annuals but go easy on the use of manures wherever you intend planting bulbs. Manures of any kind can cause bulb rot.

The Best Shrubs