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Best Back Yard Toys for Kids

Summer time means outside activities for kids. Having a yard full of outside toys is a great way to occupy children’s time while promoting exploring the environment and learning. Slather the kids up with sunscreen and head outside for long, lazy days of playing so hard a good night’s sleep is guaranteed! My Top Ten Outside Toys list is as follows:

Little Tykes Cozy Coupe: All kids love the Cozy Coupe. They’ve been around for decades and the styling hasn’t really changed all that much. Kids can ride in their own little car, fill the gas tank, store rocks or small toys in the trunk. My children play with the Cozy Coupe daily, both in the backyard and when we take walks together as a family.

Balls: a wide assortment of balls is a good idea. Large kick balls, medium sized basketballs and smaller tennis balls all are big fun for kids. You can play catch, soccer, baseball, as well as roll a ball back and forth with a small child.

Sandbox and sand toys: Hours of fun can be had with a backyard sandbox. Provide your kids with lots of shovels, buckets, cups, sifters, etc. for them to build, dump, fill and explore the million uses of sand!

Swing set, backyard climber or slide: These types of items keep kids entertained for hours! Swinging, sliding, climbing all on one piece of equipment… it’s heaven for little ones! Make a sound investment by purchasing a sturdy, wooden set if you can afford it.

A playhouse: Toy stores sell plastic and wooden styles, or you can build your own. Little playhouses provide kids with a space out of direct sunlight to pretend to their little hearts content! Filling your child’s playhouse with old household items such as brooms, dustpans, phones or remote controls (no batteries) can provide unless imaginary entertainment!

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Sprinkler/kiddie pool: Having a place to cool off during the summer is great for kids! They can splash, dump, fill and swim in their own backyards. Having a small pool full all day is a good idea, that way they can go from one activity to the other, stopping for dips in the pool when they feel hot. Be sure to reapply sunscreen after exposure to water.

Chalk, paint, and markers: Crayons melt in the heat but other art supplies are perfect for outdoor use! The mess isn’t as scary outdoors, and kids can easily be hosed off before bringing them inside.

Bubbles!: Traditional bubbles are great but they also make bubble machines now for lazy kids! Just a push of a button releases tons of huge bubbles, and kids of all ages like bubbles!

A ball pit: You can purchase an inflatable ball pit and extra balls from your local toy store. Ball pits are big fun; they’re great for little ones as well as for busy toddlers.

Picnic table: Kid can use their little table for serving pretend meals, as well as for eating lunch and snacks outside. Drink cups can be kept on the table during playtime so they’re easily located and not laying in the grass drawing bugs.

Creating a backyard toy area is fairly easy and can be inexpensive if you look for sales or coupons, and also by trying to locate some of the things second hand at yard sales or consignment shops. Having a place for the kids to play outside is vital in the summer months, they burn off so much more energy and have ample opportunity to learn and explore.