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Beauty Tips for Black Women: How to Make Your Brown Eyes Unforgettable

Brown Eyes, Eye Liner, Foxy Brown

Dark skinned sista don’t bemoan your brown eyes anymore. There are ways to make them stand out against your brown skin. The following is a great starter’s guide to making your brown eyes unforgettable.

The way to make your brown eyes remarkable is to make them stand out against your brown skin. The best way to do that is by choosing the right eye shadow for your skin tone.

Lighter skinned (Alicia Keyes, Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis)

If you have lighter colored skin, your best eye shadow color options are earth tones, pastels, and select metallics. Earth tones include browns, olives, golds, and burgundy. Pastels include peach, lilac, powder blue, and coral. Metallics are gold, bronze, and silver. When dealing with metallics, gold and bronze are going to be your best choices. You should line your eyes with a charcoal or grayish eye liner to add definition. The blackest black will be too dark for your skin tone. To add a twist to your eyes you can even use blue.

Medium skinned (Halle Berry, Rihanna, Queen Latifah)

For those of you who have medium colored skin, your best eye shadow colors are earth tones and metallics. You can use all shades of brown, olive greens, emerald greens, and golds. Your best metallic colors are gold and bronze. You can line your eye lids with black to give them more definition, white to make them larger.

Darker skinned (Examples: Naomi Campbell, Foxy Brown, YaYa Dacosta)

Your skin is of the richest hue, you can still give your eyes definition with the right eye shadow. Your best choices are pastels and metallics. Use pastel colors like lilac and powdered blue. Your best metallic colors are going to be bronze and silver. Use gold sparingly. These colors will help to liven up your eyes. You can opt to outline your bottom eye lid with either black or white eye liner. Black will add definition, but white eye liner will make your eyes appear larger and whiter.

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Applying eye make-up

To add depth to your eyes, you should apply more than one color. Professional make-up artists suggest applying a base to your eyelids first. Then, you would place the most exciting or darkest color on the lowest part of your lid. Go from lash line to the crease. Then add the neutral or medium shade in the middle of your eye. Start where the other shade ends and go upward. On the brow bone, you can add a lighter color like gold, powder blue, or vanilla depending on your skin tone. Then, carefully blend the three colors.

Pay attention to your brows

Intensify your brows by making them darker with either mascara or eye liner. Fill in any gaps or other imperfections. This could be either black or dark brown. Also, make sure you keep your eyebrows shaped.

Don’t forget your lashes

Next, be sure to add mascara to your lashes. Your mascara should be the same color as your brows. It should also not be caked on. Apply it lightly. Too much mascara will actually take away from your eyes instead of drawing attention to them.

You don’t have to have blue or hazel eyes for them to stand out. Black women with brown eyes can make their eyes look exciting too. Experiment with color. Pick eye shadow that coordinates with your skin tone. Correctly apply it, and make your brown eyes unforgettable.
