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Balloon Games for Kids

Every parent wants to throw an entertaining and fun party for their children whether its for a birthday or other occasion. Many of us want to do this without braking the bank. One of the cheapest items you can buy is balloons;they come in different colors and shapes so you can customize it to your theme. You can even use the leftover ones for decorations as well. All of these games have been done at parties I have thrown and all have been enjoyed and many requested at future parties.

One fun and easy game for children of many ages is to do a version of a balloon toss. First take beans or beads and put about a hand full in the balloon before blowing it up. Then you can blow up the balloons just not too much;don’t want them to burst on you. For added effect you can tape on streamers onto the tied end of the balloon. For game play you will have teems of two children faced toward each other. They will then throw the balloon at the other player and that player will try to catch it. After a successful catch each player will take a step back and repeat the action. This continues until the balloon brakes or is dropped.

Another fun games with balloons is to see who can brake one first. For this game you will just need a regular already blown up balloon. Each player will receive one and need to hold it until you tell them to start. The rules are that the child can use use their hands,mouth,or objects to brake the balloon. Don’t give away suggestions;part of the fun is them trying to figure out how to bust them without braking the rules. This game is a blast to watch so make sure you have a camera ready.

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You can also have balloons ready for decorating. You can have the children use soft tip markers,stickers,etc. for this project. Items related to your parties them could be purchased and used for this activity. Children could even glue on hair or hats to their balloon. Just remind them to be gentle especially with the markers and always have extra balloons just in case one does burst. This can even be used as the party favor for each child. If your having a princess party you could have pink and purple balloons and have the child dress up their very own balloon princesses complete with tiaras. For the boys they could make princes. Another suggestion is to make animals for an animal or jungle themed party. You will be amazed at what the kids will create and come up with.

Last though not least would be a version of hot potato. With this you could be creative with the name like hot lava or poison apple. Just try and relate it to your theme as well. There are a couple of ways you could play this game it is totally up to you. First you could do the old fashion circle way and have all the kids get in a circle. With music playing have them pass the balloon until the music stops and who ever has the balloon is out. Or you could have them in a room and start the balloon on and when the balloon is dropped on the floor or the music is stopped the child is out. This one does get a little crazy though since there is no circle. You will want to make sure you have enough room or play outside in an open area to keep things safe.