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Baby Shower Gifts for a Second Baby

Baby Items, Inexpensive Diaper Bags

While the practice of giving a baby shower for a second baby may not be as common as a baby shower for the firstborn, they do seem to be growing in popularity. Co-workers may want to throw a baby shower for a fellow employee even though this may not be her first baby. I have recently been invited to a baby shower that the guest of honor already has one baby. There are circumstances where a baby shower for the second baby makes perfect sense. Since she lives in another state this is really her first baby shower to be thrown by her friends in her hometown. Because of this scenario, it seems fittingly to have a baby shower for her second baby.

As I went shopping for a gift, it occurred to me that this friend already has many baby items thus making it difficult to buy something she truly needs. As a new Mom, I have learned that there are some items that you can never have too much of. I relied on my personal experience to find the new baby a gift.

With my friend, I did have sort of an advantage. Her second baby is a boy while her firstborn is a girl. This opens a door for buying something to wear since probably most of the items she has are for a girl. I did wind up buying a couple of crawlers that are for a boy.

This is the best-case scenario when you are invited to a baby shower for a second baby. If the baby is not the same sex as the firstborn, then buying a gift just became a lot easier. If the baby is the same sex, buying a gift takes a little more time and effort. If the second baby is close in age to the firstborn, then chances are good Mom has many items for a baby. There will be items that she will need for her newborn. She may need a new infant seat or a tandem stroller. Since these are big tickets items, you may want to go in with a few friends to purchase one. If all else fails, gift certificates are never a bad choice. This way Mom gets exactly what she needs.

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If the second baby is a few years apart from the firstborn then chances are less likely Mom has a bunch of baby items. Depending on the age difference, buying for the second baby might be like buying for a first baby in that a lot more items will be needed. Ask Mom if she has registered for baby items she needs.

There are always the standard baby gifts that work well for a first or second baby. Diapers and baby wipes are always gifts that are needed as well as receiving blankets, bibs, and crawlers.
products such as hooded towels and disposable wash clothes are a big hit. A new diaper baby, a bouncer, or an exersaucer are also good choices for a second baby.


Buying a baby shower gift for the second baby does not have to be difficult but can be as much fun as buying a gift for the firstborn. It just takes a little planning and research. Whichever gift Mom receives will surely be put to good use.