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Are Moissanite Jewels Better Than Diamonds?


There is a new craze going on in the jewelry industry. For years Diamonds have dominated the scene with its absolute beauty. Diamonds are so awesome that everyone has tried to copy them for years. Copy cats have failed miserably with diamond substitutes such as cubic zirconium and some other low quality simulants but there is a new jewel on the market that is so exclusive it is only being distributed by one source. The house of Charles & Colvard. It’s a gemstone that is so rare it had to be recreated with today’s technology and then patented and finally sold to you the consumer. What is this new jewel?

Moissanite is its name and it is so breathtaking it almost makes real diamonds look fake. Just like any other gemstone it can be placed into a 14K, 18K yellow gold, white gold or Palladium setting and yes I meant to say Palladium which is a more scratch resistant member of the platinum family. This jewel is taking must have jewelry to the next level. Moissanite did what almost no other gemstone is capable of doing, which is fool experts into believing they were evaluating a diamond. The website offers a clip for your viewing pleasure from a show done by 20/20 where experts were called in unknowingly to examine “diamonds” which were really Moissanite gemstones. The response was excellent. The reason the experts were fooled is because Moissanite jewels have the closest known properties to diamonds.

So where can you shop for Moissanite gemstones? The best place would be Moissanite Co. On the website you will come across a variety of styles to choose from and if you feel a little creative they even have a section where you can build your own piece. With prices ridiculously cheaper than any pure diamond I have seen on the market you can afford to splurge and go all out. No one will ever know that your gemstone isn’t an actual diamond and it will do more than make your friends jealous but make them envious which is by far the best reaction you can get.

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The website is very interactive and has cool offers to make your shopping experience both enjoyable but pleasurable as well. They have a loyalty program where they give you a loyalty point for each dollar you spend which is good toward your next purchase which I’m almost sure you’ll want to do again. There is also a one time discount for all of you bargain hunters and free shipping on your order and with a 30 day return policy you will feel more secure with your purchase. The website offers a precious metal guide to the jewelry they sell. What I like most about their website is that they offer a price match. If you can find any style ring or jewelry on one of their competitor’s websites they will match it for you. I always enjoy a good challenge.

If you’re looking for something just as brilliant as real Diamonds I would suggest giving Moissanite jewels a try not only will it save you thousands but you will be utterly amazed at the quality of this unique gemstone.