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An Overview of the Religion Odinism

Asatru, Racial Identity

Courage, Boldness, bravery, standing up for what you believe in and know is right.

Honesty, Truth – In all things be true to yourself and to others.

Honor, Do as you say and act upon your convictions. “Always” honor your oaths!

Truth, Loyalty to yourself, family, folk, friends and the Gods & Goddesses.

Strength, Self rule, self mastery, the self control and discipline to govern yourself by your convictions.

Hospitality, To freely share your gifts with others.

Industriousness, To work wholeheartedly both hard and intelligently. To keep thinking and growing as a person.

Self reliance, Free standing. Rely on others as little as possible!

Perseverance, Don’t give up at what you do until you feel it is completed and done well.
-The Nine Laws of Odinism

Does that sound like a religion for hateful, racist, followers of Hitler? Say you’re an Odinist, and that’s what today’s society will call you. There are over 4,200 religions in the world,[1] and only a few are widely accepted. Odinism is one of those unfortunate few that is massively misunderstood due to mistreatment by white supremacy groups that misconstrue the actual views of the religion.

So what is Odinism?

Odinism is a branch of Asatru, a religious group which still follows the Nordic gods.Odinists are the followers of “Odin” or the All father, the wisest of the gods. It is both a religion and a way of life.

Where did Odinism come from?

Odinism is a rather old religion dating back far before the coming of the Christian God Christ. Its actual origins are unknown. It was the original religion of most angles, saxtons, and jutes and was widely followed in all of northern Europe. Odinism fell like many polytheistic religions to Christianity, and has recently seen a come back.

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Why has Odinism taken such a bad rap?

Odinism has become associated with many white supremacy groups, because of it’s purist beliefs. This is fueled by the misinterpretation of the 14 codes of Odinism, and the dishonorable linking of Norwegian mythology with Hitler’s supreme race. Hitler assimulated many of the symbols such as the swastika, and ideals of Odinism, but all of Hitler’s ideas are not of the religion. Of course, because Odinism is also a religion of many gods some of those from some more popular monotheistic faiths do not smile on the “heathen” faith.

14 codes?

As well as the general “code of nine” or noble virtues of Odinism, there is a set of commandment like rules called the “14 codes of Aryan ethic” that help guide believers to what is held by the religion to be a “good” person.

” 1. Honor no Gods but those of your own Folk, as alien gods destroy you.

2. Nature’s laws evidence the divine plan, as the natural world is the work of All Father Odin.

3. Act nobly and courageously, always carefully considering the consequences of your actions, as the effects of your deeds live on after you pass from Midgard.

4. Live within the reality of this life; fear not your fate, as fear is for fools and cowards; A valorous man boldly faces what the Norns decree.

5. Love, protect, reproduce and advance your Folk, as natural instinct prohibits miscegenation and self destruction.

6. Be honest, be disciplined, be productive and loyal to friends, as the Aryan spirit strives for excellence in all things.

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7. Treasure your history, heritage and racial identity, as your ancestors have entrusted it falls with you, it will rise with you.

8. Honor the memory of your kith and kin, especially those who have given their lives or freedom for the Folk, as your race lives on through your blood and your will.

9. Respect the wisdom of your elders, as every moment of your lives links the infinite past to the infinite future.

10. Honor your mate, provide for your children and carry no quarrel with family to sleeptime, as family is your purpose and fulfillment.

11. May your word to a kinsman be a bond of steel, as your troth is your dignity and strength of character.

12. Be cunning as a fox with enemies and Niflinngs, as their goal is your extinction, their motives are always detrimental to your wellbeing and that of the Folk’s!

13. Secure, defend and cherish your Othal lands, as nature’s territorial imperative demands.

14. Live in harmony with nature and the Folk and compromise not with evil, as racial survival is your perpetual struggle.[2]

These codes have been twisted into meaning that the Aryan race is a superior. That to secure the aryan “racial survival” we must purge all other races. This clearly is not the case. Odinism does support purism, the belief that one should mate only within their race, but not racial prejudice, and surely not genocide. Many Odinsists do not believe that they are better than any race, they simply wish for their race to live on. Odinism can be applied to any race.

Hippy Tree huggers?

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Another common stone thrown at Odinism, or Wotanism as it’s also called, is that it’s a religion for tree huggers who worship nature and know nothing of science. This is partially true. A common belief of many Odinists is that the gods themselves are actually symbolic representations of nature. To worship Odin is to worship the earth, respect and protect her. However, science does not conflict with nature as it does most religions.

Basically Odinism is morals. It’s a society that brings people of like thought and creed together to achieve a common goal. A goal to help both our planet and humanity. There is no hate in that.

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1. Adherent’s Religious Statistics (http://www.adherents.com/)
2. Holy Nation of Odin (http://www.holynationofodin.org/education/14codes.html)
