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Amy Winehouse’s Top 10 Songs so Far

Amy Winehouse is my absolute, hands-down, favorite music artist. Say what you may about her personal life; her talent is simply astounding. Music of such high quality as hers is hard to find nowadays. This is why I, for one, never miss an opportunity to recruit more Amy fans.

Though Winehouse, as a multinational superstar, certainly is popular, it seems to me that many Americans don’t know much about her music and tend to write her off due to her wild, extra-musical antics. If you happen to be among these, please take into consideration the list I have compiled of, what I consider to be, Amy Winehouse’s top 10 singles so far.

These are the songs that I would recommend anyone who is unfamiliar with the dozens of singles other than Rehab, Amy has under her belt, give a listen to. These ten are, in my opinion, the best, most musically definitive songs of Miss Winehouse thus far:

#10 – Addicted
In this catchy, jazzy, comical, love song to marijuana, Amy berates a friend whose boyfriend continually smokes her stash and neglects to replenish it. This song, though silly, is well written, fun and depicts Amy’s witty capacity to incorporate clever humor into her lyrics.

#9 – Rehab
Ok, I’ll admit it – I used to resent this song because it caused most people in America to know Amy only for saying “no, no, no” to rehab. Not for her extraordinary talent. I was angry that this song had to be the one that finally got her attention beyond the U.K. But, over time, I’ve begun to embrace the song responsible for bringing her international recognition. Though, like Addicted, this is one of her sillier songs (which is why I find it unfortunate that so many Americans define her by it), this song has more meaning behind it than many realize. Also, the catchy blending of hip hop and mo-town make Rehab quite irresistible. This sarcasm-sprinkled single truly does capture the undeniably rebellious spirit which endears so many of us to Amy.

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#8 – Take the Box
This is an older Amy song from her first album, Frank. This jazzy ballad paints a highly personal, emotionally-charged picture of a break-up. This song displays the remarkable lyrical mastery and powerful voice that Amy possessed at a very young age.

#7 – Tears Dry on Their Own
The marvelously mo-town, Tears Dry on Their Own is an embodiment of Amy’s musical and lyrical style. Her ability to resurrect old music, yet make it uniquely her own is truly showcased in this irresistibly catchy song.

#6 – Valerie
Although this song is a Zutons cover, it is good enough of a cover to make it to number six on my list. Winehouse truly makes Valerie her own in both the upbeat, jazzy and slower, melodic versions of it. The emotion which she so clearly invests into this song also makes the listener feel that there must be a strong personal connection between Amy and Valerie.

#5 – Me & Mr. Jones
This ingenious song sounds like it came straight out of a 60s jazz bar. It overflows with the sassy attitude that marks everything about Amy. She even creates her own word!

#4 – Love is a Losing Game
Love is a Losing Game is poetic, beautiful, sad, and deeply personal. Full of sorrow and regret, anguish and heartbreak echoe in every word of this song in a morosely beautiful kind of way.

#3 – You Know I’m No Good
The jazzy, You Know I’m No Good is another major defining song of Amy’s. Aside from the undeniable catchiness, she manages to say so much in so few words in this fantastically definitive single.

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#2 – Wake Up Alone
Wake Up Alone is beautifully poetic and simply incredible. Aside from being possibly her best song, lyrics-wise, everything about this single -both instrumentally and vocally – is beautiful. There is a misty, almost enchanting and lingering feel to this artfully crafted song.

#1 – Back to Black
Back to Black is, in my opinion, Amy’s absolute best song ever. Period. The words, the music, and her voice are haunting and utterly captivating. Nothing short of a masterpiece, there is no other Amy song (to date) that I would recommend over Back to Black. And, as you can see from the previous nine, that’s saying a lot.

So, if you haven’t already, go on youtube and give Amy a listen. You won’t regret it, I promise.