Karla News

American Crew Forming Cream

I used my boyfriend as a guinea pig last night. Truly I did. But hey, I needed a tester subject when it came to American Crew Forming Cream. This product is primarily made for men, however girls with short hair can use it too!

Seeing how my hair is a bit too long for me to find any use out of this product, I had no choice but to have my boyfriend try it out.

The American Crew Promise:

According to the jug, using American Crew Forming Cream will allow you to manipulate and style your hair, while leaving is pliable. The forming cream will also style hair and leave a matte finish behind… not a fake over shiny gel look like other products. More or less your hair will be left looking natural, not fake and over done.


American Crew Forming Cream comes in a large jug, with a decent size to it allowing for your manly hands to swipe up some of the cream for use. The jug itself is brown, and sort of bland looking. But hey, its a mans product, adding pink to the product just wouldn’t fly.


The cream inside smells absolutely delicious. It’s a musky scent which in my opinion is a little too feminine to be calling a mans hair styling product. It smells like powder, musk, and delicious girly things.


I had him scoop out some of the white cream, which actually felt like a sticky melted marshmallow type of cream. It was really gross feeling, and he was pretty disgusted as he ran it through his hair.

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At the time his hair was dry. You can use American Crew Forming Cream on damp hair as well.

As he rubbed the sticky cream into his hair, he was able to manipulate it into many different styles as it dried. At one point he slicked his hair back for a mobster look. After slicking his hair back, he then worked it into a side swoop. Next he spiked his hair. He was able to style his hair in so many different ways, and with each different look, the American Crew Forming Cream seemed to hold that look without a single straggler.


The American Crew Forming Cream lasted all night long, the one issue with the cream he had though was the fact that it did not dry. It left his hair feeling sticky the entire time it was in his hair, up until he showered it out.


If you can get past the sticky feeling, and the fact that it does not dry, then American Crew Forming Cream is indeed a good buy. It manipulates hair to any style you could imagine, and it stays put. Plus it leaves behind a nice musk scent that will stay with you. Although I find this scent to be a little girly, a squirt of cologne to your hair will take care of the girly scented issue.

Pricing and Availability:

You can find a jug of American Crew Forming Cream at any local Target, or at Target.com for $12.59.