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America, Land of Freedom? or America, Land of Racism and Prejudice

Every person eventually learns to deal with people and get what they deserve out of life. While it is easy for some people, for others, it is rather difficult. For people who act or look differently then what we are used to, it is especially hard to get what you want, let alone what you need, out of life. Our society makes it extremely difficult for people who aren’t perceived as “normal” to even function as they have a right to do in everyday life. Whether a man has an actual disability, or is just perceived as different, it is human nature to point out the obviousness of what isn’t the norm. This article will show you how our society has not evolved as much as people believe it has.

A person with autism is refused a job by an employer who specializes in placing disabled people in jobs.
An Austin man applied for a job with a local business and community outreach center, but was denied the job because of his disability. The people in charge told him that because his parents had guardianship of him, and the guardianship papers said he wasn’t able to hold a job on his own, they couldn’t place him in a job. This was a classic case of discrimination against a person because of his disability. There were laws that prevented discrimination against someone because of their race, nationality and creed long before there was even a law that prevented discrimination against disabled people.

Laws have been made to hand out more severe punishments for people who commit hate crimes.
From the United State’s conception, all the way until now, there has been racism and crimes committed against people because of their skin color. The hate was so bad, that it took a hate crimes statute to lessen the violence. Even with this law in effect, there are still groups that pride themselves on committing acts of violence and hate against those of another nationality or religion. Groups such as the KKK and even religions such as radical Islam, teach it’s followers to hate.

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People are prejudiced and hate one another without reason.
Out of 50 American teens that were asked what should be done to combat illegal entry into this country from Mexico , 60% said that those who enter illegaly should be deported. When that 60% was asked if this didn’t work, what should be done. 73% said that the borders to Mexico should be shut down permanently . Is this the true future of America?

America prides itself on being the melting pot of the world. If this is true, it is not doing a very good job of being understanding of those that come in search of a new life. Racism is a constant problem in every society. Why is it thought that this is the case everywhere but here? While we say we welcome foreigners into our country, we bug their phones, make it extremely hard to get a job or even citizenship, or even arrest them without cause. The older generations have not set a very good example. Now it is Our turn to rise to the challenge of accepting everyone for who they are, not what they look like.