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All About Tennessee Unemployment Insurance and Benefits


In these hard times it seems that thousands are losing jobs every time you turn on the news. It is no surprise that unemployment insurance claims are at all time highs in nearly every state. Thousands of people are wanting to find out more about unemployment insurance and benefits. People are wanting to know how to claim, where to claim, how long they can claim and if they can work part-time and still claim along with countless other questions. This article is gonna tell all about Tennessee unemployment insurance and benefits.

The state of Tennessee isn’t quite as generous as some states in the country. Tennessee unemployment insurance and benefits usually last around 13 weeks but can last as long as 26 weeks if you’re granted an extension. There are several states where unemployment can be collected for up to a year. Regardless 13-26 weeks of unemployment is usually plenty of time to find another source of income even in a bad economy like we have right now.

The amount of money one can receive from Tennessee unemployment insurance and benefits can be between $35-275 weekly. This all depends on what you earned at you previous job for the determined time frame. It is required in Tennessee that you have worked within a certain time frame to qualify for unemployment. It also depends on if you are making any additional money. If you are underemployed or working just a few days a week it’s still possible that you could earn unemployment depending on how much money you’re making on the side.

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In order to receive Tennessee unemployment insurance and benefits you need to apply with your local office. It will usually be between 2 to 3 weeks before you receive your first check. After 3 or 4 checks you will receive a check that is double the amount and this basically is for the time they had you wait in processing. After you have applied then you must certify each week. They give you the option to certify online, by phone or in person but I highly recommend doing it online because it is so much easier and faster than the other options.

One important tip that I have for everyone is to make sure and have taxes taken out of your claim. In Tennessee unemployment insurance and benefits are taxable at 10%. This is a very good idea unless you want to possibly end up having to pay taxes at the end of the year. But then again some people may need that extra money more right now if they are in real bad shape. Just keep in mind that whether you decide to take taxes out or not will have an impact on your tax return the next year.

Well that sums up all the basics of Tennessee unemployment insurance and benefits. The key thing is to always be honest and make the most of your money during these times. Pay your bills and go find another source of income to bring in money while you’re eligible for state assistance. Some sources are claiming that Tennessee could possibly run out of insurance and benefits funds in either 2009 or 2010 and that is scary for thousands of people across the Tennessee.

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Source(s) – http://swz.salary.com/salarywizard/layouthtmls/swzl_unemployment_TN.html
