Karla News

Al-Anon Slogans to Treat Depression–One Day at a Time

Al Anon

Depression can be a crippling mental health condition. Though it manifests itself differently in different people, one common challenge is with control issues. Depression is often a precursor for addiction, power struggles in relationships and self-control problems.

Alcoholics Anonymous and its partner groups Al-Anon, offers many helpful recovery tools. I find the slogans used by AA and Al-Anon, listed Addiction A-Z, particularly useful to heal issues associated with depression. I mediate daily on different slogans. Here are some thoughts on the slogan “One Day at a Time.”

One of the things I’ve learned in Al-Anon that I try too hard to direct circumstances, control situations and manage people’s behavior. When these things don’t cooperate, I panic. I get depressed. It’s not that I’m exactly a control freak. It’s more that I can’t be comfortable with and like myself if there’s disorder.

Using the slogan “One day at a time” I’m learning to let chaotic situations wash over me without getting sucked up in them. I’m learning that it’s neither my place nor my responsibility to keep everything on an even keel.

I’m not single-handedly in charge of events, nor am I the official problem-solver. This takes a lot of pressure off me. If I didn’t break it, I’m also not in charge of fixing it. I’m finding that I like letting go of those reins.

One day at a time” It helps me remember to take problems (including other peoples’ behavior) in bite-sized, manageable pieces. If I take it little by little, I’ll have an easier time coping. I don’t have to deal every issue, only the ones that relate to this day.

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The slogan keeps me focused on the here-and-now. It also helps me remember that whatever stress or issue I may be dealing with, it won’t last forever. I only have to deal with it for this day.

Saying “one day at a time,” I’m telling myself to take it easy, trust the process and to let my higher power have the wheel. Concentrating on living only one day (or moment) at a time helps me accept life on life’s terms. I’m learning that although I may plan for the future, I have to accept and live in the present.

Using Al-Anon’s recovery slogans helps me to trust myself and my higher power. I’m learning to maintain healthy self-esteem and to work for personal balance despite what’s going on around me.

