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Advantages of an Office Uniform

Casual Fridays, Dress Codes

Would going back to an office uniform prevent some of the dress code violations businesses are continually having to deal with? Never has there been more of an office attire problem than when businesses began to observe casual Friday’s. The practice has become a nationwide issue. Many employees simply do not observe office dress codes. Supervisors and managers find themselves working 24/7 addressing these issues by discussing infractions with employees and for repeat offenders, the disciplinary procedure is sometimes causing more memos than action.

Even then, some supervisors avoid the issue all together because of the time restraints and other more pressing work issues. To provide a little history surrounding the ‘Casual Day’ practice, Casual Day initially began as a method to garner monetary participation in charity events. Employees were granted the opportunity to observe casual Fridays by contributing to recognized charities. When the event seemed to attract employee participation at almost 100%, the practice took on a life of itself. Businesses then offered employees the ability to observe casual Fridays and more days for every national and federal observed charity. The contribution was not only tax deductible, you could dress casual for one designated day every week for a twelve month period.

Now that practice has caused hundreds of man hours having to be directed towards discipline and counseling rather than performing other more important office duties. Employees find themselves either confused as to what is allowed or just downright disregarding office dress codes and guidelines. Some managers and executive team members are considering the return of an office uniform. Can that be the answer? While it might not help or prevent all infractions, it could possibly prevent a good portion.

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Advantage of An Office Uniform: Consistency

For the sake of consistency in office outfits and colors, an office uniform might be the answer when having to deal with office attire disciplinary issues more than a defined number of hours a year. When a supervisor has to consistently counsel and write memos regarding an employee who does not observe dress code guidelines, a uniform would almost certainly prevent infractions from occurring. Employees would have a uniform that when constructed properly, maintained properly and is worn when either designated or scheduled should require no need for counsel, a memo or the need for further disciplinary actions. The executive team, business owner or executive director would provide the guidelines and if not observed, then and only then would a memo be given. If an infraction occurs after the memo, further action up to termination of employment would take place.

Advantage of An Office Uniform: Professionalism

Because you will define the attire, your office uniform will be professional, guaranteeing a statement of professionalism about the business, the practice and that the customer can trust your business and your employees. The color will be based on your personal touch because the selections will be yours or a coordinated effort from management and the executive team. If desired, employees can place their own unique touches by adding a brooch, scarves, neckties and even their shoes will be their own selections not defined by management and not restricted unless you feel the need.

Advantage of An Office Uniform: Variety

People generally tire of the same old look, color and attire on a daily basis. They need a variety in the day to day. So, in order to give them the variety humans need, you will not be relying on their personal taste and personality. You will define the variations they can select from. If there are some selections employees feel they wish to work with, a dress code team or group will be selected to meet and discuss recommendations from employees to be submitted to management for final approval.

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There are a number of advantages to an office or business uniform. Even with the financial budgeting ability of your employees a uniform will cut down on cost and time lost due to dress code violations or other issues. The lost in profit can be used to match or even pay for the employees uniform or offer an allowance towards the uniform or accessories.