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Activities for Toddlers: 10 Fun Circle Time Songs

Activities for Toddlers, Head Shoulders, Teacher Support

Searching for songs for circle time? Are you an in-home child care provider and looking for circle time activities ideas? Do you teach toddlers, preschoolers or even infants and need fun songs? Here are ten fun kid-friendly songs for circle time.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is one of the most popular circle time songs. The hand motions allow the children to develop gross motor skills, and they’ll the shape of a diamond and more. You can find a nice how-to video for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star here. You can also easily find the lyrics online – just search for “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star lyrics.

Color Song

This song can help children learn their colors. It is not a very common circle time song, but it has a great, catchy tune. You can listen to it here. For an added visual you can use flash cards (you probably will have to move them very quickly), or a hand glove with different colors for each finger. For older preschool age kids, you might give each child a colored flash card, and have them raise it when their color was sung.

Flitter Flutter Butterfly

This is an adorable song that is similar to “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” It is probably easier for kids ages 3 and above, but of course younger toddlers will enjoy it as well. Here is a terrific video to learn the lyrics and hand motions. You could also use a butterfly cut-out, or butterfly toy as a visual.

Itsy Bitsy Spider (Also Known as Eensy Weensey Spider)

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This is a cute song that the kids will learn quickly. Click here for a how-to video video and learn the lyrics to the “Eensy Weensey Spider”. This song was a very popular circle time song at the head start program I taught at.

Old McDonald Had a Farm

“Old McDonald Had a Farm” is quite an amusing circle time song as well. For preschoolers and older toddlers you can allow the kids to suggest which animals to sing. For an added visual you can purchase cheap plastic animal toys and use them each time you sing about the animal. Click here to watch a great how-to video with the lyrics to “Old McDonald Had a Farm.”

One, Two Buckle My Shoe

A sixth great circle time is “One, Two Buckle My Shoe.” This is probably best for older toddlers and preschoolers. It can help teach children how to count. Click here to watch a how-to video.

The Wheels on the Bus

“The Wheels on the Bus” is another circle time song that will allow the kids to use hand motions, etc. Here is a good video with the lyrics. For an additional visual for circle time, you could have a toy bus and point to the doors, etc.

Baby Bumble Bee Song

Another fun circle time song is the “Baby Bumble Bee Song.” This is probably better for preschool age students, but toddlers and even babies will enjoy it too. Here is a great video to watch to learn the song.

Good Morning Song

If you have circle time in the morning, then its a great time to sing the “Good Morning Song.” It’s very easy and can be a great song to start circle time with. You can watch a video of the Good Morning Song here.

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Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

This is a fun song that can help children learn some of their body parts. It can be quite amusing for the kids to keep going faster and faster, and might bring some laughs. You can watch a how-to video here.

These are ten great songs for circle time! If you need more fun activity ideas for toddlers, please read “Creative Ways to Amuse and Entertain Your Toddler.” It can also be beneficial to join a forum for teachers. Read “Forums for Teachers: Online Teacher Support Groups” for some links. (Most have areas for preschool teachers.) If you run a home daycare center, you might check out “Running a Day Care: Online Forums for Child Care Providers.” Happy Teaching!
