Karla News

Abolishing Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action

One of the major talking points that have arisen out of this incident involving Shirley Sherrod is the call to abolish affirmative action. While I am quite sure that there was a need to institute this policy, there is a part of me that says it may have ran its course and in many cases may no longer be needed. Minorities now have access to places that they did not have before this policy was enacted and its now up to them to make the best of this situation and not rely on government to deliver a better life for them and their families on a silver platter. Having said that, it also must be made clear that there are still parts of America where affirmative action has been ignored and if those areas are not brought into the mainstream, it will cause the entire effort to spoil and not allow race relations its final resting place in history. The parts of America of which I speak are those areas where the “good old boy” network still reigns supreme. Remember it was because of this network that affirmative actions were sorely needed in the first place.

If it is proof that this network exists, look not further than the black farmer’s suit against the USDA as a prime example. One can also see this is the constant stripping of the settlement by Republicans from all bills that this appears in. Take a very close look at those who oppose this settlement and you tell me. The black farmers followed the rules of how a case such as this was supposed to be brought by the rules established not by them but by the “good old boy” network itself. They followed these rules and won but for the black farmers, this is not good enough for those in congress stripping and blocking the settlement so that these families can move on with their lives even after losing their family farms. Still think affirmative action is not needed there?

See also  The Future of Affirmative Action: A Look at Unfair Equal Employment Opportunities and Other Biases

Others say that now the tide is turning and it is not mainly the minority that is being discriminated against but white males. Kind of reminds me of welfare reform. No one thought twice about overhauling that system until it was learned that the majority of those on welfare were white women and once that information gained the light of day, welfare reform because a “must fix” for Washington. Discrimination of any kind should not be tolerated by this nation and anyone in it. All races should stand shoulder to shoulder and decry it at every turn. Being an object of this “good old boy” network for some time now, I can relate to that which faces white males and gay Americans right now. No one likes to be treated as a second class citizen and in this country should never have to.

To abolish Affirmative Action, we must first root out and destroy the network for which it was formed. We need to have those making decisions about the help received not be limited by the number of “other race” winners who receive help but strictly based on the need. Need is the one thing that doesn’t play favorites when it comes to suffering. Race relations is a tough mountain to climb but if we all take a position and be willing to reach over to assist those we may disagree with, then it is a mountain that just ain’t high enough to keep us from reaching the top. Affirmative action may have to go but before it does, the “good old boy” network will have to go first.