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A Comparison Between the Medela Lactina and Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pumps

Breast Pumps, Medela

Medela makes some of the top-selling breast pumps on the market. If you’re trying to decide if you should go for the Medela Lactina and the Medela Pump in Style Advanced (PISA), read below to see a detailed comparison between the two:

PISA – The PISA costs around $250 and $300 depending on which style of carrier you want. Compared to other double electric pumps on the market, this is quite expensive. Ameda makes a pump with similar great reviews for $130 and Lansinoh for $150.

Lactina – The Lactina is a hospital-grade pump that runs for about $1100 new, but most people are interested in renting this type over buying it. The rental prices ranges from $1.10 to $2.50 per day on the Lactation Care, Inc. website. If you are an avid pumper and plan on renting it for one year, it will add up to a whopping $400. I was fortunate and my hospital loaned one to me for free for however long I needed it.

PISA – The pump has its pros and its cons. The motor is infamous for collecting mold and most people never know unless they think about disassembling the case to check. Because it is made with an “open system,” meaning the diaphragm allows milk particles to pass from the tubing to the motor, older particles of milk can make their way back into your freshly pumped supply. I have never had any issue with this personally and if this is the case it doesn’t seem to bother my baby. Aside from that, I can’t complain about the quality. The bag is made with a thick, portable mesh, a long carrier strap, and has handled quite a few falls from the couch or counter.

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Lactina – I will say that this style is probably the most sturdy and durable of them all, but that comes with a cost. It’s incredibly bulky, plastic, and awkward. It’s carrier case could probably be used as a weapon since it’s also big and solid as a rock. In my books, both pumps tie as far as their ability to draw milk out from the breast.

PISA – Hands down, PISA has much better features than the Lactina. The pump exterior looks like a soft mesh carrier case, it zips up fast and conveniently for easy travel, and has a built-in cooler that can store several bottles of milk. And best of all, it has a portable battery pack so you can take it wherever you want!

Lactina – Honeslty, the Lactina doesn’t have any interesting features other than having a closed diaphragm which makes it reusable and rentable.

Overall – If I were making a recommendation to a friend on choosing between the Lactina and PISA, I’d certainly tell them the PISA is the way to go. It is less bulky, more portable, has better features, costs less in the long run, and does just as good as job as the Lactina as pumping milk. When I switched from the Lactina to the PISA, I felt like I was finally pumping “in style.”
