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Lhasa Apso Dogs: Breed History

American Kennel Club, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, Small Dog Breeds

One of the most popular small dog breeds in the world is the feisty and furry Lhasa Apso. Although it probably originated in Tibet, it could have also originated in China, Bhutan or Mongolia. The problem in tracing a breed’s history is that legend and sales promotion by breeders tend to get in the way of any sold evidence.

The Lhasa Apso’s ancestors may have been identical to the Shih Tzu, the Pekingese and the Tibetan Spaniel. Since the Pug is such an old breed, it may be the ancestor of all of these breeds. Centuries ago, the Pug was much larger and had a longer nose than today’s breed standard Pugs, but by the 1800s, it resembled the small, flat-faced canine comedian we are so familiar with.

Where It Caught On

Many dog breeds such as the German shepherd got their name from where they were most popular – not where they originated (German shepherd dogs originated in France.) This may also be true of the Lhasa Apso, but then again, we really don’t know. They were incredibly popular in Tibet in order to protect wither monks or the mistress of the household. They also could catch and kill mice.

There is some evidence that small, long-coated dogs recognizable as Lhasa Apsos appeared as early as 800 BCE, They were known in Tibet as “bark sentinel dogs” or “bearded lion dogs.” The capital city became the breed’s stronghold. Legend has it that Lhasa Apsos were thought to be reincarnated monks and so had to be treated well. They also could never be sold but could be given away as gifts.

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The Lhasa Apso Travels

It is unknown when Lhasa Apsos first were given to travelers of foreign nations. There is written evidence that Lhasa Apsos were in the UK by 1854 – but even Lhasa breeders think this may have been a Tibetan Spaniel. Noted dog fancier Sir Lionel Jacob included the Lhasa in his writings about dog breeds, although he called the breed “Lhasa Terrier.” By 1908, Lhasas were competing in dog shows.

It is thought that Lhasa Apsos first came to America about 1930. In 1933, an envoy of the 13th Dalai Lama by the name of C. Sudyam Cutting brought more dogs to America. The Dalai Lama gave away many pairs of Lhasa Apsos to many countries along with his ambassadors as honored gifts. By 1935, the Lhasa was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club. In 2009, the Lhasa was the 54th most popular dog breed in the nation.


Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds (2nd Edition).” D. Caroline Colie, Ph. D. Barrons; 2005.

“Pug” Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pug

“The Lhasa Apso originates in the mountains of Tibet.” The Hon. Mrs. Eric Bailey. http://www.lhasa-apso-club.org .uk/lac_lhasa_history1.htm

“Lhasa Apso Information and Pictures.” Dog Breed Info.com. http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/lh asaapso.htm

American Kennel Club Dog Registration Statistics. http://www.akc.org/reg/dogreg_ stats.cfm
