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How to Grow a Golden Barrel Cactus


Are you an avid gardener who enjoys growing succulents and cactus type plants? If so, then you may want to try growing a Golden Barrel cactus.

Brief History

Golden Barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) are a rounded type of cacti with yellow thorns; they were originally discovered in central Mexico. Other names for this cactus include Golden Ball or Mother-in-Law’s Cushion.

Temperature and Light

Golden Barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) tend to prefer warm temperatures and bright or direct light. Temperatures in the nineties or even hundreds will not kill this plant. As for cold, this cactus can withstand temperatures to around fifteen or twenty degrees; however, long term exposure to these brutal temperatures could result in permanent damage or death of the cactus.

Water and Soil

As with all types of cactus plants, do not over-water your Golden Barrel cactus because this could cause it to rot and die. Keep your waterings to a minimal starting in the cooler autumn months and through early Spring. During the warmer months of the year, you can fully soak the plant about once every month or two. When the temperatures are in the nineties or higher, you may want to water your cactus twice a month. Especially, if it is located in a sunny area. When in doubt, however, do not water.

Now for the soil, which is probably one of the more important subjects when discussing cacti. You want a well draining potting soil mix. So mix about eighty percent perlite with twenty percent ordinary cactus soil. You can also substitute sand mixed with small rocks for the perlite. You can usually find these materials at Home Depot or Lowes. Also, utilizing the proper type of soil will help prevent root rot and will discourage certain types of pests from bothering your cactus plant.

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Flowering and Propagation

During the summer months, your Golden Barrel cactus may produce yellow flowers. This is generally a good sign and suggests that it has adapted well to the environment. As for propagation, the yellow flowers become imperative. Actually, it is the berry that forms when the flower withers away that is important. The seeds that you need will be in the berry, so remove the berry from the cactus plant when the flowers have shriveled up. Slice the berry open, and recover the seeds. Place the seeds in a cactus soil/perlite mix, and keep the soil moist.

Type of Pot

Typically, clay pots are best since they do not retain moisture for long periods of time. However, both glazed and plastic pots can be used. The trick is to make sure that there are plenty of holes in the bottom of the pot to ensure proper drainage. These helps to prevent rot and other diseases.

Growing a Golden Barrel cactus is really not that difficult. Just make sure you water only when necessary, use the proper type of soil, and ensure that your pot has the proper amount of drainage holes.

