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Checklist for Moving – Shopping List!

Moving into a new house can be overwhelming. New contracts, new houses, and you’ll be completely broke for the first few weeks after moving in. Not only are you going to need a new house and have to put out the effort to move into it, you’ll probably need new furniture, accessories, groceries, and appliances as well! This can all be overwhelming, and remembering what all you’ll need even more so. This article will hopefully remind you of everything you need to get, as well as a few options of where to get them in the most affordable fashion. As a college student who has recently moved, I have done all of the hard work for you!


Obviously, you’re going to need to eat at the new house. While this is a hard thing to forget, I’ve seen it done! Don’t forget you’ll need not only food to eat, but things like sugar, baking mix, butter, milk, eggs, all of the things you’ve seen in your parents kitchen. Don’t forget condiments, you may regret it later! Make sure to shop for several meals, and always have extra, you never know who you’ll have over, or what sort of appetite you’ll build. Avoid lots of snack foods, if you’re on a strict budget.


Think you’ll be cooking that food with no appliances!? You’ll want to make sure that if your new house doesn’t already include them, that you have a stove, microwave, fridge, coffee pot, as well as dishes! Almost all of the new places you’ll look at will already include a stove and fridge, a few will include a microwave. While you can go without it for a while, a vacuum cleaner will eventually be needed, as well as a mop. Make sure to keep this in mind. You can find appliances like the microwave and coffee pot for really cheap at stores like Family Dollar, and Walmart. If you have to buy heavy appliances and you don’t have the money for it, I recommend purchasing from Craigslist.com. If you aren’t familiar with Craigslist and need something fast though, purchase elsewhere. Dishes can be purchased from several retail stores, and I don’t recommend buying these used. You’ll want a full, new dining set, regardless of price. You can find cheap sets at stores like Target, Walmart, Family Dollar, Meijer, and the like.

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Obviously, you’ll need beds for each of the people living in the new home. After this is covered, remember that each person will probably want someplace to store their clothes, either a dresser or hangers for the closet will suffice. Also, you’ll need some furniture for the living room. End tables, coffee table, couch, TV/TV stand may all be necessary. You’ll also want a dining room set, if you don’t already have one. While this can be avoided if you do not have the cash available, you will want one eventually. You can find all of this furniture used on Craigslist, or for cheap at stores I have already listed. Going into a furniture store to find this is going to run you far more money, most likely, however, if you’re after a more decorate, complete set, a furniture store is the way to go.


Thought you were done just at filling the house up? Think again! You’ll need many other things, like soap, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, tooth paste, tooth brush, Q-tips, wash clothes, towels, medical supplies, laundry and dish detergent, garbage bags, a trash can, ice cube trays, and the like. There are probably many other small things, but the list I have compiled should get you through the first few weeks!

Comments on this article with additional supplies needed for starting the essential house are greatly appreciated. Read comments as this article dates, for more items you may need!