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SIGG Switzerland Water Bottles

Sigg, Water Bottles

SIGG is known the world over for its quality water and sports bottles. Today, more people than ever are drinking bottled water and we are using more plastic water bottles than ever before. In addition, we are using more disposable cups because of our hectic lifestyle both of which are contributing to the massive amount of waste in our landfills. We try to recycle; however, it is more convenient to just throw the items away which results in waste and harmful results for our environment. SIGG, “The Original Swiss Bottle” has almost 100 years of experience in producing the highest-quality water bottles. Moreover, since the construction of the bottles is so well designed they are durable, leak-proof and practically indestructible. Furthermore, the interior of the bottles are made from materials that resist smell, taste and bacteria, which makes them perfect for not only water but also any beverage that you want to, enjoy. Since there are over 100 styles to choose from, you can have fashion while you are doing something good for the environment.

There are approximately 72 different bottles in the Lifestyle line. These bottles are made of light aluminum that makes them perfect for people that are on the go and busy. They have the same quality and durability of all SIGG products and are 100% recyclable and reusable making them great for the environment. The colors and designs allow you to choose the perfect bottle to express your unique style.

For athletes, the Sport Water Bottles are durable and easy to handle when playing sports. They fit into most cup holders and bike cages making them a perfect choice for many athletes. They also have a special bottle top that makes them easy to drink from on the go.

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For a unique water bottle, the SIGG Flasks are a perfect choice. They are made of stainless steel instead of aluminum and most have a built in stainless steel drinking cup. There are currently two styles available; however, they have new styles and you need to check back often because they are very popular and sell quickly.

Children do not need to feel left out when it comes to stylish water bottles. SIGG Kids Bottles are fun and perfectly sized for little hands. The have small water bottles for younger children and larger sizes for older tweens in popular designs and colors. For toddlers, they also have the SIGG Kids Grip to add handles to the water bottle for little hands to grip. Make sure to shop the accessories for these water bottles that will be sure to please children of all ages.

Finally, for those who need to keep beverages hot or cold for longer periods of time, there are over twenty SIGG Thermal Bottles and Metro Mugs to choose from. These superior double walled insulated bottles are perfect for hot beverages or soup (keeping them hot for up to six hours) or cold beverages (keeping them cold for up to 10 hours). With people that travel a great deal or run many errands each day, these insulated bottles make a perfect choice to keep their beverages at the exact temperature to enjoy.

Sources: MySIGG.com