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How to Choose a Reputable Roofing Company

If you’re like most people you know little – if anything at all – about roofing. The only thing most people know about roofing is that they leak when there’s a problem. By the time they’ve started leaking, though, you’ve got more than a roof to fix! Most shingles are good for 20, 25 or even 40 years. Weather factors and other conditions can determine whether those shingles will protect you that long. If you know your roof is getting old, and you’ve got to select a roofing company soon, there are a few things you might want to know to choose a reputable company that will do the job right.

Although you might not be all that informed when it comes to roofing that doesn’t mean you can’t pick a reputable company out of the crowd. Although many people simply go to the yellow pages and choose the guy with the biggest ad there are a few questions you may want to ask before giving his company the go-ahead. It’s a good idea to get more than one estimate so you can decide which company fits your budget but will also do a great job.

While evaluating your potential roofers ask for the full name and physical address of the roofing company. If they give you a P.O. box number as their address make sure you ask again for the physical address. Although you can’t really tell if the company is reputable by looking at a building you might see a red flag if you drive by the place and find it’s an empty warehouse! Some contractors work out of their homes, though, so don’t be alarmed if you drive by to see the “business” and it’s someone’s home.

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Keep in mind that a huge business may charge much more than a single person who does contracting in the region. In addition, a large company likely has the manpower to get the job done much quicker than a guy who uses a couple of friends as helpers. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the large company will do a better job. If you need the roof done in a hurry the large company might be your best bet. If money is your main concern you might want to consider the small contractor. Check references thoroughly to get a clear idea of the company’s work ethic.

Ask the manager or owner of the company specific questions. For instance, is the company insured? Some companies do fine work but simply can’t afford the expensive insurance. Although you could save a lot of money by choosing the company without insurance you need to consider whether the company would be able to cover the expense of a huge mistake or accident, should one occur.

Another important question to ask is whether or not the company or contractor is licensed. In some states it’s required that a roofing company have license. Check the laws within your own state or community to see if license is required. If the company is licensed that means they have had to pass tests and show certain proof of the company. Keep in mind that a business license is one required for tax purposes and isn’t the same thing as a state certification. Someone who tells you they have a business license when you ask about certification could be trying to make you believe something that isn’t true – not a good sign when it comes to selecting a reputable roofing company.

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Ask how long the company has been in business and how long they’ve been in the same location. If they’re a fairly new company ask for five or more references. If they’ve been in the same location for quite some time ask if they can give you three references. Or, go online to the Better Business Bureau, and check the stats of the companies you’re considering. When calling references ask if the overall job was done to satisfaction, how long it took to complete, and whether or not there were any problems. If there were, ask what the specific problem was, and how it was handled.

When you’ve decided on a company to put on your new roof make sure everything is written into the estimate. Before signing the contract be sure the price for materials as well as labor is plainly listed. Be sure the type of shingles or other roofing you selected is specified on the contract. Make sure there is some reference to the company doing the clean-up and hauling away of the old roofing or you could be charged again to have a mess removed from your yard! These things should all be listed in the real contract as well. Other things that should be on the actual contract include the current date, your name and physical address, the name and address of the roofing company and the expected beginning and completion dates. The contract should also state a guarantee for the shingles as well as the work itself.

Other things you should understand before signing the contract are who will be responsible for getting the permits, who will pay for them, whether or not the job will require the city inspector to come out, and how long you have to rescind, should you change your mind. If a right-to-rescind is not a law in your county or state make sure it’s clearly written in the contract. This will protect you should something unforeseen happen and you will no longer be able to hire the company as planned.

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You don’t have to know everything there is to know about roofing to choose a reputable company. Ask questions, check references and review the proposals and contracts carefully. The roof on your house is very important – your roofing company is, too. Choose wisely and you’ll be good to go for another twenty years or more!