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The Best Home Cholesterol Tests

With constantly rising healthcare costs and ever stricter insurance policies, many consumers are looking for ways to cut their medical expenses. For those who are concerned about their cholesterol, one way of reducing costs can be to use a home cholesterol test. Not only can a home cholesterol test kit save money, it also allows a consumer to test their cholesterol in the privacy of their own home.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved of home cholesterol test kits in 1993 and the majority are quite accurate. However, in many cases, they only measure total cholesterol, not HDL and LDL levels (these two measures give you a better picture of your overall cholesterol levels by checking for “good” and “bad” cholesterol). The Mayo Clinic’s MayoClinic.com says that the tests can be accurate but that you should consult with a physician before investing in a home cholesterol kit.

While they should not replace cholesterol testing by trained professionals in a lab, home cholesterol kits can still be an attractive option. They allow you to check your cholesterol more frequently and at a lower price than visiting a lab. If you are going to use a home cholesterol test kit, talk with your doctor to pick an appropriate test kit. If that is not possible, you can consult a pharmacist. While it should go without saying, use only tests that are FDA approved and follow all instructions included in the package.

Here are some good choices for home cholesterol test kits:

CholesTrak HDL and Total Cholesterol Home Testing Kit – This home cholesterol test will give users both their HDL cholesterol level (“good” cholesterol) as well as their total cholesterol levels. A word of caution: this does mean that you will need to perform two separate tests. Like other home cholesterol tests, it delivers results in minutes. This test is more expensive-running between $20 and $25-but it gives a more complete picture of your cholesterol levels.

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CholesTrak Home Cholesterol Test – This affordable test is FDA approved and claims to be 97% accurate. Requiring only one to two drops of blood, it can give a good indication of overall cholesterol levels. It tests total cholesterol only. Expect to spend around $15 for this test.

First Check Home Cholesterol Test – This test will give you your total cholesterol level. Two tests are included, making it a value for those who want to test their cholesterol over time. It is FDA approved. This test typically retails for around $20.

Venture Home Cholesterol Test Kit – This FDA approved test is a great home test cholesterol kit. You can purchase it in mutli-packs making it easy and economical to test your cholesterol over time, a practice that will give you a more accurate view of your cholesterol. Purchasing them in buck can reduce the price down to $8. It measures total cholesterol levels only.

CardioChek Cholesterol Monitoring System – All of the tests above are limited because they only check total cholesterol levels (and in one case, HDL cholesterol). However, if you want to spend a lot of extra money, you can get the CardioChek system for between $100 and $150 depending on where you shop. It uses test strips that can be purchased separately and stores results over time. It is FDA approved.

Using any of the aforementioned home cholesterol kits will give you an idea of your cholesterol levels. If you test your cholesterol at home and feel you have a reason to be concerned, consult a physician. A physician will be able to give you a laboratory test and also evaluate other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.