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Become a Dot in the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait by David Ilon

Michael Jackson passed away on June 25, 2009. It was sudden and fans around the world mourned his death as impromptu tributes popped up on street corners around the world. Not quite a year after his passing, artist David Ilon decided that a tribute portrait of Michael Jackson should be made. However, he did not want this tribute portrait to be yet another simple portrait of a celebrity that had passed away. This portrait needed to be different.

David Ilon decided that Michael Jackson’s fans should also be included in this tribute portrait, at least in spirit. Any fan can be included in the tribute portrait for free. Each dot is assigned a number and that number is assigned to a fan that registers for the site. Each dot will make up the tribute portrait of Michael Jackson which will have drawings of Michael Jackson at different times in his life. All that is needed is access to the Internet so you can get to the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait site.

Records are being kept of every dot, which is assigned a number. Once that dot is placed, fans can go to the site to find the dot in the chart and zoom in to see where their dots are located. Even the artist, David Ilon, says that the portrait is going to take some “twists and turns,” as he works on it. It will be a surprise how the portrait looks once it is finished.

Of course, the site has terms of agreement. They are the general rules that you will represent yourself honestly, not use abusive language or create abusive posts, and that you will not advertise or promote on the site as it should be used to remember Michael Jackson.

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When registering, the site will ask for basic information such as a user name, your name (kept private), and an e-mail address. There are fields for option information such as your birthday, gender, location, occupation, what you loved the most about Michael Jackson, if you ever got to see Michael Jackson perform live, your favorite Michael Jackson song, and your thoughts about anything else.

Jermaine Jackson supports this project and many celebrities have already signed up to be a part of it as well. A few of the celebrities who have signed up to become dots are Diana Ross, George Lopez, Larry King, Todd Bridges, Brooke Shields, and Rev. Jesse Jackson.

You can connect your account with Facebook and Twitter to let your friends know what you are doing on the site.

If a friend referred you to the site, when you sign up, it will ask for the dot number of the person that referred you to the site.

If you are learning about this site now and going to sign up to be a dot, please use the reference number 256577.


Ilon, David. “The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait”. The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait. June 23, 2010 http://www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com>.