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Funny Quotes from Hall Pass Movie

Funny Quotes, Hot Women, Jason Sudeikis

The movie Hall Pass is about two men who get a “hall pass” that allows them a week off from marriage to do whatever they want without consequences. And by “whatever they want”, they mean “sleep with other women”. The two men, Rick and Fred, are played by Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis. Hall Pass also co-stars Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate as their wives. Given the plot and that the movie is a typical Farrelly Brothers’ film, much of the humor in Hall Pass is sexual in nature. Although, I think actors Jason Sudeikis’ and Owen Wilson’s awkwardness is funnier than any of the sex-based humor. The following quotes are a bit of both though:

Funny Hall Pass Movie Quotes on Meeting Women

Rick (Owen Wilson), Fred (Jason Sudeikis), and their friends have gathered at Applebee’s restaurant to meet women.

Friend: Are you sure Applebee’s is the best place to meet hot women?

Rick: You thinking Olive Garden?

Jason Sudeikis is going into a bar with Owen Wilson carrying a motorcycle helmet sans motorcycle.

Rick: What’s with the helmet?

Fred: Oh, chicks dig motorcycles.

Conversation between Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis in the movie:

Fred: You know what I love about divorcees? …They love sex.

Rick: Is that true?

Fred: I don’t know… I’d like to think so.

Rick: You would like to think that…

Funny Hall Pass Movie Quotes & Scenes

Actor Jason Sudeikis was making funny faces in this scene as he was taking ‘mental photographs’ of a woman. His behavior was funnier than his line.

Rick: What are you doing?

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Fred: Taking mental photographs….

This is one of those scenes where I thought Owen Wilson’s awkwardness (after suggesting sleeping with a married guy) was funny.

Girl: I’d love to try everything once.

Rick: Skydiving

Girl: Skinny dipping in the Indian Ocean….

Rick: Sleep with a married guy….

Funny Hall Pass Movie Quotes on Sex (Censored)

The following quotes from Hall Pass have been censored (*) for crude language.

Rick: So you ladies must be from Ireland… because when I look at you my (******) doubles in size.

Fred: Wait, no hold on, he meant that his (****’s) dublin’.

Woman: This is why we need to go to a gay bar.

Actress Christina Applegate speaking to Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis:

Grace: What the hell is wrong with you two? You are completely obsessed with sex! This morning you left the computer on g*ng***gf*c*b*th.com!

Fred: I get my weather from that site.

Actor Richard Jenkins speaking to Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis:

Coakley: We’re going to run my favorite play. Starts with a p. And ends with an *ssy.

Fred: What is it?

Random Funny Hall Pass Movie Quotes

Fred (actor Jason Sudeikis) is speaking to a much bigger man (who is about to punch him)

Fred: What’s the matter, you can’t get any bigger, you little b****?!

Quotes Source: Hall Pass movie written by Pete Jones, Peter Farrelly, Kevin Barnett, and Bobby Farrelly.