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Herbs for Hair Loss?

DHT, Preventing Hair Loss, Saw Palmetto, Stop Hair Loss

There is a huge market for hair retention and regeneration, and with the high demand for a full head of hair it can be expensive, and many people are left simply scratching their balding heads looking for a way to stop and reverse their hair loss. Luckily, there may be hope in the natural form to stop and reverse hair loss, and it starts with the cheapest of remedies.

Green tea for hair loss. Green tea increases blood flow, so if you rinse your hair in green tea or wash your hair with products that have green tea in them (or take green tea supplements) it can possibly increase the blood flow to your scalp as well, strengthening your existing hair follicles to keep hair loss from continuing.

Taking Biotin and Vitamin B for hair loss can in some cases actually reverse hair loss, while improving hair retention at the same time. Biotin and Vitamin B contain necessary nutrients for the scalp and hair to keep hair follicles strong and the hair shafts less susceptible to falling out. Simply having a Vitamin B deficiency can lead to hair loss, along with genetics.

A Zinc deficiency also leads to thinning dull hair and actual hair loss. Taking a Zinc supplement and/or a prenatal or hair and nail growth vitamin can actually help reverse or prevent hair loss in the first place in getting your scalp and hair shafts and follicles the nutrients they need for optimum growth.

Saw palmetto is another common herb for reducing hair loss, in its ability to block DHT from affecting the hair shafts in balding men. DHT is a male testosterone that is believed to be a main component to why men lose their hair. Saw palmetto also blocks DHT from enlarging a man’s prostate, which is also effected by this hormone. Adding Saw Palmetto to your diet can help reduce your chances of losing your hair naturally, and if you are already losing your hair, Saw Palmetto can help reduce, stop or even reverse the hair loss.

See also  Grow Your Hair Back Naturally

Red clover, a common herb for prostate health, is also often taken to prevent and reduce male hair loss.

Often times, herbs takes for prostate health are effective for hair retention in their ability to block the DHT hormone that enlarges prostates and promotes hair loss. So likely, if you are taking an herbal supplement for prostate health, it aides in your hair loss as well.

Getting Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet can help improve your scalp and hair health as well and is a good preventative for hair loss.

Unfortunately, there is no tried and true method (at least naturally) to preventing hair loss entirely. But there are herbs out there that can slow the process, improve scalp and hair growth, stop hair loss, or help in preventing it in the first place. So if you are noticing hairs in the sink, do your research to find out what herbs may work for you.