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What is the Difference Between Pederasty and Pedophilia?

Ancient Cultures, Pedophilia

What is the difference between pederasty and pedophilia? The traditional definition of pederasty stems from its Greek roots of two words meaning “boy” and “longing.” Proponents of pederasty-who obviously must face even more skepticism than Dick Cheney with his hand on the Bible-claim that there is a difference from pedophilia situated in the idea of manipulating the immature development of a child. In other words, pedophiles prey on kids who don’t know the difference, while pederasts enjoy a higher love with children who welcome what they have to offer.

Pederasty was pretty much a common way of life for many ancient Greeks who truly held it in the high esteem that purveyors do today. For the Greeks there was a mystical element to semen. Sperm wasn’t just reproductive goo, understand, but could actually be used to pass along knowledge and wisdom to adolescent boys when the older man inserted his penis into the younger man’s anus. Of course, there were also those Greeks who held that the love between a man and young boy was the finest that could be practiced ,and that abstinence was the key to strengthening that bond; as a result, although homosexual anal sex was no doubt practiced on a regular basis throughout Greece, there were also just as many if not more pederastic relationships that were entirely chaste. (Not that there’s anything right with that.)

There were many ancient cultures that institutionalized pederasty, including the Spartans who justified man-boy love as a method of population control. Hey, it makes sense. If all that semen is traveling up the rectum of a young boy, it’s a cinch that the population is going to decrease. (Especially in today’s Aids-infected world.) There have been any number of science fiction stories that have glommed onto this idea of futuristic birth control through not just the legalization but the encouragement of homosexuality. Pederasty in many cultures also represented a channel for upward mobility. Not that things have changed much; how many untalented young men are now in positions of power due to engaging in a sexual relationship with an older man? (The same thing goes for older women and young girls, of course, but since the power base in America is still dominated by males it only makes sense there would be more men.) Of course, the same also goes for young girls who have power by sleeping with older men and vice versa.

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It is important to understand that the primary difference between pederasty and pedophilia is that pederasty applies specifically to homosexual relationships between older man and young boys, whereas pedophilia simply applies to sexual desire for children of either sex by either gender. What the difference is most decisively not is what those practitioners of pederasty would have one believe. There is simply nothing elegant or heightened or pure about pederasty. All of that malarkey is simply a smokescreen to cover up the fact that older men enjoy stuffing their penises up the anuses of impressionable young boys who are better off not being subjected to the “enlightenment and wisdom” that the semen of old farts allegedly provide.