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Oink Oink: The Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Piggy Bank is a Hit

When my son turned one last year, he was fairly spoiled when it came to presents. This was mainly on the part of his grandparents. Far be it for us to object, given his entry into the world, so my husband and I bit our tongues when it came to the presents he received for his birthday. Okay, we were secretly excited as well just to see what toys we…I mean he would get to play with. One of these toys was the Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Piggy Bank purchased by my mother-in-law.

The main reason why this particular toy was purchased was because at a fairly early age, my son showed an interest in two things…money and coins. When we opened the gift and saw the piggy, my husband and I couldn’t help but laugh. As for our son, he really could care less, to be honest.

This is a pink smiling pig with a big red snout that sings and talks when it’s pressed and has a side compartment that holds the coins and is numbered from 1-10. There are 10 colored coins (red, blue, orange, yellow, and green.) The colored coins also come in pairs. The large coins have ridges; the small coins have smooth edges. On each of the coins are different animals with the large coins showing mommy animals and the small ones with baby animals. There’s an open slot at the top of the pig where the coins can be dropped and a power button at the top. One side mainly plays music, while the other is the counting side. It’s battery operated and takes three AAA batteries (not included.)

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The Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Piggy Bank is fairly easy to operate. When you select the learning side, the pig will say, “It’s learning time.” Each time you put a coin in the slot, she will count from 1-10, make funny noises the Old MacDonald theme will play. When you press the snout, the pig sings two songs as well as makes pig sounds. On the music side, the pig says, “It’s music time.” Each time you put a coin in the slot, you’ll hear a different tune or pig noise. When you press the snout, you hear a few different musical numbers and she will even sneeze and say “Excuse me”.

When we first played it for my son, he was intrigued. He liked the little piggy’s voice and the different songs that played. He wasn’t too sharp on getting the coins in the slot, but he loved the colors. As he got used to the toy, he would try to put two coins in at once, even though that wouldn’t happen. But the determined one he is, he’d keep trying. Over a year later, this is still one of his favorite toys. He’s practically worn out the door from opening and shutting it and he still tries to put two coins in at once. He’s pretty much become a pro with this toy, but loves the interaction and loves to push the buttons and hear the music.

My only concern is to really supervise with the younger children. This toy can be a little heavy for their hands and also make sure they don’t accidentally slam their fingers in the door. Your child may also put his/her finger in the slot just to see what happens. They may activate the voice-operated system that makes it work, so be on the lookout for that too.

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Final Thoughts

Overall, we’re very happy with this toy. Our son is very fond of it, can’t get enough of it these days and it keeps him busy for a while, which can be a little break for me. The Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Piggy Bank is for kids aged 6-36 months.

Take care.
