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Tics Causes and Severity


Tics Causes and SeverityMost tics may develop because of brain damage or never damage. People who suffer from diseases such as Huntington’s may appear to be a person with tics but they are suffering from their disease.

Causes of Tics

The tic which some people suffer may occur after a serious accident that caused brain damage or it can arise due to a nervous disorder. In reality most tics cannot be traced back to any known cause. In a lot of cases the tic appears after some psychological problem or an upsetting problem. The very young child often does not know how to deal with problems and may develop a tic that soon disappears. For instance a child who moves may end up nervous over being in a neighborhood that is very different from the one they are use too and a sudden tic may appear. When they make friends and start adjusting to their new environment the tic disappears.

The elderly sometimes develop a tic after they have had a stroke. This happens because they lose motor control of their nervous system. Some researchers feel that a tic may appear after an infection has occurred in the body. Strep infections can do damage to the brain leaving behind a tic that develops in the persons face or eyes. There is concern that genetics may play a part in the development of a tic. It has been found that when one sibling develops a tic that others may also develop one. There are so many varied reasons to develop a tic and often many people do not even know how they develop a tic that if it is not a severe problem then you should not worry about it.
Severity of Tics

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A tic can be minor as a simple twitch of the eye on occasion to the severity of someone harming themselves. Many people who have the problem of a tic know how to control it to a certain degree and it goes entirely unnoticed by most people. Some people actually don’t even realize that they have a tic it is so unnoticeable and they do not feel anything when it happens. In fact it is in very rare cases that a tic or twitch becomes dangerous. In most cases a tic is embarrassing in social situations and causes a psychological problem more than physical harm to a person. A tic can become harmful if it affects your driving or operating machine ability. A person who suffers from a tic may find that it ruins their self-confidence and contributes to social problems. In this case it is wise to see your doctor and seek help. The range of tics varies and differs from person to person and only you can tell if it is becoming a severe problem. In most cases the person usually knows how to control the tic problem and will not let it become a social problem.
