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8 ‘Mom-Approved’ Back-to-School Activities for Kids

School Lunch Ideas

As the school year approaches, I can’t believe my kids are another year older. Before I know it, they will be graduating from high school. This is why I think it’s important to make plenty of lasting memories. Here are 8 ‘mom-approved’ back-to-school activities for kids.

# 1 Apple Art

Apples don’t have to be just for the teacher. Using a real apple and paint, kids can make pretty stamp art. All you have to do is pour some red and green paint onto paper plates. Then, cut an apple in half. Children can press the apple into the paint and stamp it onto a piece of construction paper.

# 2 Making Crayons

We have plenty of broken crayons around the house. Rather than toss the crayons, make new, shaped crayons. Simply preheat the oven to 250 degrees, line your muffin cups with foil liners and fill with crayon bits. Wait about 15 minutes or until the crayons are melted. Allow the crayons to cool and then color away. Kids can be involved with filling up the muffin cups but an adult should do the rest.

# 3 Donate Supplies

My MOM’s Club just put together several back packs for kids in need. With so many deals on school items, it is easy to donate back-to-school supplies. A backpack, paper, notebooks, pencils, crayons and erasers are just some of the supplies to include.

# 4 Homework Station

Many kids dread homework. Making a homework station can encourage them to get their work done. First, look for a spot in the house with a good chair and lighting. Make a ‘homework station’ sign to place over the area. Also, fill a plastic cup with plenty of sharp pencils and new erasers.

See also  Healthy, Easy School Lunch Ideas

# 5 Book Marks

It’s likely that your child will be reading for a reading log or even for enjoyment. Make a simple bookmark by cutting a 1 inch by 6 inch piece of felt out. Punch a hole in the top and tie a string through it. Decorate with felt markers for a one of a kind book mark.

# 6 Time Capsule

A child’s interests and academic abilities may change over the course of the school year. This is why a time capsule is fun to look at the end of the year. Use a shoe box or empty coffee can for the capsule. Write down their age, shoe size and height along with their favorite movie and song. Of course, don’t forget a picture.

# 7 Read Some Back-to-School Themed Books

My daughter has never been one to get nervous on the first day of school. Still, this could change. Thus, I like reading some back to school books before the big day. I like The Gingerbread Man Loose at School by Laura Murray for young kids.

# 8 Bulletin Board

Once school begins, schedules can get hectic and there are plenty of pictures to post. Kids can stay organized and post memories on a bulletin board. A simple cork board can be dressed up with ribbons secured with thumb tacks.

Enjoy the school year!

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