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7 Easy and Effective Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising Ideas, Tin Cans

Idea #1~The Chain Payment

Go to your organizations constituents and volunteers and ask each person to ask for $5 from 5 friends and family members. These friends and family members will then ask 5 other people (and so on). Have your volunteers explain what the organization is and what your goals and ideas are, these friends and family members will then continue to explain what your goals and ideas are to people down the road. Not only is this an effective way to raise funds, but it can also generate hype and buzz around your organization.

Idea #2~ The Charity Concert

This one can definitely help you, though it is a bit tricky to organize. Contact a local indie band (be it rock, jazz or new wave afro funk) as well as a local restaurant and see if the band wouldn’t be able to play there for free (or a small fee). In return the local restaurant could donate a portion of the profits that they receive from the traffic the band brings and donate it to your organization.

Idea #3~ Grocery Store Donation

Have you ever seen those tin cans in the check out isle with a slit for change? Well that could be yours! Ask a local grocery store and see if they would be interested in allowing you to set up your own tin cans where people can slide there loose change. It can accumulate and help you fundraise with little effort!

Idea #4~ The Web Site

The internet is a place for the transfer of ideas and the watching of humorous cats. But you can also make it work for you! Create and optimize a website ( the only expenses are the domain and hosting, about $5 a month) with information about your organization as well as a place to send in donations. Try to get your site on the first page of Google.

See also  The Most Successful Fraternity and Sorority Fundraising Ideas

Idea #5~ The Bake Sale

While it may be a generic idea for a fundraiser, bake sales can be incredibly profitable and can allow you to continue and expand your operations. An effective method of gaining bakes goods, is asking for baked good donations in your local gathering place. Also try asking your local high school key club to bake while you provide the supplies. The best place to sell these goods is near universities and in parks on nice afternoons.

Idea #6~ Contact Your Local Newspaper

Ask your local newspaper if they would be interested in doing a story on your charity or non profit organization, use this times to get the word out about your organization to the broader community. Provide a phone number or website where people can call and donate to your orgainzati0on

Idea #7~ Silent Auction Fundraiser

These can be extremely popular, try contacting local business (such as retailers, confectionaries, restaurants) and see if they would donate merchandise or gift cards. Also try contacting your local university or sports club, they may be willing to donate a team autographed ball if your cause is worthy. Find a place to hold your auction and sell sell sell!!!