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5 Tips for Surviving Baby’s First Stomach Virus

Baby Laundry, Pedialyte, Pediatricians, Stomach Virus

When your baby contracts his or her first stomach virus it can be a worrisome and stressful time. If you’re not sure how to handle it, and the precautions you should take to help your baby during his or her first stomach virus, read on.

1. When Do I Call the Doctor?

The biggest question parents face when baby is sick, especially when its baby’s first stomach virus, is when to call the doctor and when to ride it out. It is always useful to call your baby’s pediatricians and describe baby’s symptoms and receive over-the-phone advice. Most doctor’s offices will eagerly have the office nurse discuss what you should expect, what you should do, and when you should come in to their office.

By calling rather than simply showing up at the doctor’s office you also decrease the risk of spreading the virus to other babies and adults. It’s also a great way to keep your health insurance bills down, by not taking baby to the doctor when simple instructions may be all that you need.

2. What Can the A Baby with a Stomach Virus Drink?

A baby with a stomach virus needs to continue to drink liquids to stay hydrated. Baby, due to the stomach virus is loosing liquids and still needs to drink as much as he or she normally would, depending on baby’s size.

For a baby with a stomach virus who is under six months old and is still only drinking breast milk. Continue continue to nurse or pump for the baby with a stomach virus, even if you also have the stomach virus. Whatever antibodies you have built up will only be passed along to baby.

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If baby is on straight formula, continue feeding the baby with a stomach virus the same formula.

Avoid fruit juices.

3. What Can the Baby with a Stomach Virus Eat?

You can also continue feeding the baby with a stomach virus solid foods. Try to stick with bananas, rice, toast and cereal.

4. What Supplies Do I Need to care for the Baby with a Stomach Virus?

When baby has a stomach virus, things can get very messy, from all ends. Keep cleaning supplies and dry towels nearby when you feed baby. It’s also convenient to have sandwich-sized Ziploc backs with the diapers, as a baby with a stomach virus can make a very messy diaper. Other supplies you might want to have on hand are baby soap and a small plastic tub for those times you will need to give baby a quick bath due to an exploding diaper. Also, expect to have some soiled laundry, even if baby is wearing layers.

4. How do I Keep Baby Hydrated

When baby has a stomach virus and cannot keep food down, it is still essential to try to get baby to drink. In addition to the breast milk or formula, baby may also need something extra. Pediatricians typically recommend Pedialyte. If you can get baby to drink that without spitting it out, then go ahead and give the baby with a stomach virus some.

Another alternative is to give the baby Gatorade. Some pediatricians do not recommend this, but if baby will not drink Pedialyte, you may be able to safely give baby sips of a mild tasting Gatorade like the Watermelon Ice flavor.

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5. How do I Keep Everyone Else in the House From Getting Sick?

Some stomach viruses that baby could contract are the type that can reinfect you even if you’ve had it before. These viruses pose the biggestchallenge to families, especially those with one bathroom. Be sure to remind all family members to wash their hands every time they use the bathroom and before eating, even if it is just a snack. When baby has a virus, other children in the family should refrain from touching baby’s toys and furniture excessively, until baby is better.

When baby has his or her first virus, it can be a challenge for the whole family. Just remember, the stomach virus will pass. If baby has a rash or a high fever, or does not seem to be eating or drinking at all, call your pediatrician immediately.
