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5 Simple Ways You Can Find Peace in Your Stressed-Out World

Count Your Blessings, Stressed Out

According to Merriam-Webster.com, the word “peace” is defined as “a state of tranquillity or quiet.” When was the last time you felt peace, calm, or total
relaxation? If you can’t remember, then read this informative article and find out 5 simple ways you can find peace in your stressed-out world!

Healthy Stress and Stress That Will Kill You
I once thought that being on the go, always having a list of tasks to complete, and living under the stress were signs of a productive life. When I began experiencing Panic Attacks, I found out how wrong I was. There was never any peace in my life.

We all have stress in our lives. It’s the get-up-and-get-going feeling when you realize you’ll be late for work. It’s the weight you feel when you’re planning a birthday party and can’t decide on a theme. Healthy stresses like these help encourage you, help you make decisions, and are perfectly normal.

The stress that will kill you, on the other hand, is a harmful pressure that gnaws at your gut. In our stressed-out world, it’s a common feeling for many people. Reasons for this type of stress are typically money problems, marital discord, job insecurity and health problems. If you don’t chuck this stress and find some peace in your life, it’s going to cause you even more problems, especially when it comes to your health.

5 Simple Ways You Can Find Peace in Your Stressed-Out World
So, what’s a person to do? You need to find some peace in your life, and here’s how:

1. Count Your Blessings
The first way to find peace is to simply count your blessings. You may have overdue bills, but you woke up this morning, didn’t you? Then, you’re blessed!
And if you have food to eat, a roof over your head and people who love you, then you’re really blessed! Replace stressful thoughts with thoughts of your many blessings and you’ll add some peace to your life.

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2. Deep Breathing
When you’re feeling stress, your breathing becomes rapid and shallow. Your heart rate increases and your muscles tense up. Another simple way you can find peace in your stressed-out world is to breathe. Sit up straight and take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold it for a moment, then slowly exhale through your mouth. Breathe like this a few times until you feel calmer- until you feel the peace.

3. Get Over It and Move On
Sometimes we’re the culprits who make our own worlds stressed-out. You nag yourself about not doing a certain task today. You regret not taking that job 5 years ago. You wish you had done this or that differently. You’re constantly a monkey on your own back, and it’s causing you undue stress. How can you replace this stress with peace? Get over it and move on! You can’t change the past, so why try?

4. Avoid Stressful Influences
Everyone has negative people in their lives. Whether it be in your family, in your circle of friends, at work, wherever. These people are notorious for being negative about everything. Listen to them very long and you begin to feel the stress. A simple way you can find peace in your stressed-out world is to not listen to them. Excuse yourself from the conversation, turn off the depressing TV news, cancel your subscription the the newspaper- do whatever you have to do to escape stressful influences and find peace!

5. Laugh
Laughing is a sure-fire method for diffusing stress and replacing it with peace. And, the best time to laugh is, when you don’t feel like it! The next time you feel stress, replace it by laughing. Comedian Bill Cosby is quoted as saying, “You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it.” (ThinkExist.com)