Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

5 Best Fruits for Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s mechanism to heal injuries. When foreign invaders — like bacteria — attack a tissue, inflammation occurs and stimulates the body to respond with increased blood flow and an increased number of white blood cells to attack the invader and tissue repair.

But when the body for some unknown reason mistakes its own tissue and starts responding by attacking it, inflammation results. This is what occurs in problems like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain due to bursitis or tendonitis. In fact there is mounting evidence that some types of cancers, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease are also results of chronic inflammation.

Often inflammation goes undetected until it gets severe and unmanageable. For instance, people often ignore arthritic joints; they mistake the pain for stress or muscle pain. Over time, when the symptoms become difficult to tolerate, a diagnosis is made. Usually NSAIDs and steroids are used to keep the inflammation under control. There is no total cure for it in conventional medicine.

While age is a factor, poor lifestyle and an unbalanced diet both significantly influence body’s resistance to inflammation. A healthy diet by itself can prevent or even reverse a mild to moderate inflammatory tendency in the body. Even in severe cases, it can dramatically help in controlling the problem.

The best diet for inflammation is a natural diet – eat whole foods and avoid processed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a big aid.

When it comes to selecting the best fruits for inflammation, pomegranate, Indian gooseberry, pineapple, papaya and grapefruit top the list.

Pomegranate is one of the best fruits for inflammation. It tastes sweet and is very filling. Research has shown about a cup of pomegranate juice that it can control joint pain from arthritis, intestinal inflammation, certain cancers, etc. by inhibiting inflammation activity of some proteins in the blood. Usually only the arils (seed casings) of the fruit are consumed. But other parts of the fruit like the peal are just as beneficial as the arils. The peel has powerful antioxidants and week estrogenic properties making it good for menopausal women. The peel is bitter to taste and can be utilized by boiling it in water and drinking its essence.

The Indian gooseberry is has almost 1 gm of vitamin C in every fruit. So one gooseberry a day supplies more than enough daily nutrition. Its taste is a mix of sweetness, sourness and bitterness. It is an excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It also promotes hair growth. It is one fruit that is known to preserve much of its nutrition even after being processed. The fruit is hard to find in the US; some Asian stores seasonally stock fresh gooseberries while frozen packs may be more easily available.

Pineapple contains bromelain that is a potent anti-inflammatory. Research has shown that it helps digestion and assimilation and eases toxic waste elimination from the body. It is known to help rheumatoid arthritis, bowel diseases and heal muscles injuries. However the fruit contains a large amount of glucose – so diabetics should consume pineapple in moderation or avoid it depending on their condition.

Papaya is another excellent fruit for inflammation. It provides papain and chymopapain, both enzymes that fight inflammation. People suffering from asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have been known to benefit from this fruit. It also protects against heart diseases and promotes digestive health. Note that papaya should be avoided during early pregnancy because some of its enzymes can cause abortion.

Grapefruit makes a tasty filling snack while providing rich nutrition. It is a good source of folate, iron and beta carotene. It is believed to contain proteins that block inflammatory agents in blood, so it is a popular favorite of those with inflammatory conditions. Additionally it helps in weight loss.

The first preference for an anti-inflammatory diet is fresh fruit. If that is not available, at least have some fresh fruit juice retaining the pulp and fiber. Avoid canned fruits preserved in sugar or vinegar as they lose much of their nutrition. Even pasteurized juices are not desirable. Stay away from bananas for it can aggravate inflammation.

In conjunction with having the best fruits for inflammation, remember to alter the rest of your diet appropriately. Avoid dairy and meat products. Avoid saturated fats. Eat easy to digest whole grains, salads and lentils that do not leave toxic residue after assimilation. Drink plenty of water to aid digestion and cleanse the system of toxins. Do not overeat. Exercise regularly – simple walking for 30-45 minutes a day will give significant relief. Practice meditation to relieve mental stress. This will guarantee a very high success rate in preventing and controlling inflammation.


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