Karla News

3D Jack O Lantern Cake Project

Pumpkin Cake

The simple to make 3D Jack O Lantern cake will make the perfect centerpiece at your Halloween buffet table. This 3D Jack O Lantern cake can be customized to be a sweet jack o lantern for kids or a scary jack o lantern for adults! You decide.

To Make and Decorate This #D Jack O Lantern Cake You Will Need:

2 – 3 boxes of cake mix

2 stainless steel bowls (large as you want)


Orange, yellow, and green food color

Piping icing (gel writing icing)

1 Wood dowel

1 Square of plywood

1 wood screw

Power drill

Ok, go ahead and mix up 2 to 3 of your favorite boxes of cake mix. Prepare two stainless steel mixing bowls as you normally would prepare your cake pan to bake in.

These bowls can be as large or as small as you want your Jack O lantern to be, but they must be the same size.

Now, pour half of the cake beater in one bowl and half in the other. Bake until the cake is done. Now, this will of course take a bit longer than if you were baking the cakes in traditional cake pans.

You can check for doneness by inserting a wood skewer to make sure you hit the middle.

Now, while the cake is baking and cooling you need to make the base for your Jack O Lantern Cake.

Simply by a ½ to 1 inch wood dowel at your local home improvement store. Have this cut to the same height as your cakes (when added together). You can add about three inches if you want to make the top a stem of the pumpkin.

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You will also need a square or round wood base to attach the dowel to. A sheet of plywood cut to size will work fine.

You can paint out the base in any color you want. I think green works well. Just be sure to seal the paint with an oil based clear spray paint. This will make your work food safe.

Now, in the middle of the wood sheet drill a hole. In the bottom of the dowel drill a hole. Insert a screw through the bottom and into the dowel to attach the two together.

Now, once the cake has cooled put it in the freeze for about 30 minutes to help it firm up.

Now, when the cake is firm, but not frozen you are ready to assemble the 3D Jack O Lantern on your board.

Slight one half of the cake onto the dowel. You are making a circle.

You will notice there is a flat bottom to your cake halves. Leave this on the bottom half.

Now, insert the top half upside down, so the large sizes meet.

Use a knife to trim the top into a perfect circle.

Now, start icing the cake. Add a few drops of orange food color to the pre made icing. Cover the entire pumpkin.

You can use a #2 tip in an icing bag to pipe on the lines of the pumpkin vertically.

That red gel writing icing makes great scary eyes, while a mild yellow made by mixing yellow food color and white icing makes some charming pumpkin eyes for a more friendly pumpkin cake.

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You can also decorate the entire outside of the cake by pressing small candy corn pumpkins into it. This is a more contemporary look, but it will make a huge statement!

You can use silk leaves and attach them to the top of the pumpkin stem for a more realistic look.

Try only spreading in on the orange icing, then dusting with orange glitter for a more classic pumpkin cake!

Tip: Do not make this cake too big or it will not hold. Always use a layer of icing between the two circles to hold them together. If you must make a large cake, then really trim a nice flat bottom for support on the bottom circle half.
