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3 Truck and Car Cake Ideas for Birthday Parties

Birthday Cake Ideas, Bundt Cake, Cake Ideas, Online Shopping Sites

I have two very car obsessed young toddlers. When birthdays roll around I, of course, try to build themes they will enjoy. As a result, the car and truck birthday party theme has been one I have done more than once already. I’m also a make-your-own-cake type person. I just can’t see the sense in spending a pocket full of cash on a cake when I can make one myself. Car and truck cakes are also super easy to make yourself. To help you get some car or truck birthday cake ideas cooking, here are a few of the cakes I’ve done.

Mud-Bogging’ Truck Cake

You can make this cake any flavor you want, and in any shape. I usually let my boys pick they type of cake for their parties by selecting a box, but the frosting should be chocolate so it resembles mud. When you frost your cake leave the top sort of messed up and gloppy. Then go to your local department store and buy some cool toy trucks or cars even. The cool thing here is you get to have a cake topper your child will actually keep and play with. Remember that if the cake you are using is softer, choose lighter trucks. Heavier choices may sink in, or even break pieces of the cake off depending on position. Then simply take your choices home, wash them, and drive them about the cake a bit to park in positions you find pleasing for writing happy birthday and adding candles. You can also add green frosting grass or black or gray sprinkles for tiny rocks. Certain candies such as jelly beans can make larger rocks.

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Race Track Rally Cake

You can take two Bundt cake pans to make two O-shaped cakes, and then place them next to one another to make an eight track cake. For the connective section use either use chocolate bars, or bake a small cake to use sections of. For the cement track, simply buy white frosting and turn it gray with a bit of black food coloring. You can buy simple frosting bags with special tips for around $8 to do grass around the track and on the sides of the cake. Then, much like with the mud bogging truck cake, just go buy some hot wheels cars and place them in racing form on the cake. Usually priced around $1 a piece, hot wheels make great inexpensive car cake toppers.

3D Car Cake

This one does require a special pan. I got mine off eBay used for about $10 shipping and all. Thrift stores and online shopping sites can be a great place to pick up discount creative cake pans for birthdays, since many buyers only use them once and then resell them. For 3D cakes you want to use a firmer type of cake. If you’re going box varieties, a little tasty testing well before the party can be great fun. Generally, the types that saying “pudding in the mix” or “extra moist” are going to be far too soft to hold shape. A cool thing to do with the 3D pans, since the 3D car pan for instance takes two boxes of cake, is to add two separate colors. The batter will naturally swirl as it bakes. I used cherry chip and chocolate when I made my 3D car cake, and it looked awesome inside and out. These cakes are as easy as baking and frosting. I added doughnut wheels for fun factor.

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