Karla News

Where to Celebrate Oktoberfest in Newport Rhode Island

Newport, Rhode Island is famous for summer events like golfing and sailing and there are festivals all summer long, but there is more to Newport than summer. Newport, Rhode Island is one of six towns that make up the County of Newport, Rhode Island It is easily accessible for Boston, Providence and New York, New ...

Employment Staffing Agencies in Miami, Florida

Employment staffing agencies in Miami, Florida are a great way to find the job you have always wanted. Employment Staffing Agencies in Miami, Florida are a convenient way to find a job without letting your job search consume every free moment you may have. Employment staffing agencies in Miami, Florida offer their clients a chance ...

Karla News

Natural (and Fun!) Ways to Relieve Anxiety

Your job, your health, your relationships, money, the future, the end of the world… Sometimes it seems like life is filled with an endless stream of things to feel anxious about. If left unchecked, anxiety can run rampant, taking over your thought processes and making everything feel like a major catastrophe. This is no way ...

Karla News

Top 3 BYOB Restaurants in Chicago

Chicago, long known only for it’s hot dogs and pizza, has become a certifiable foodie mecca. Exciting new restaurants are opening up daily, reflecting the melting pot that is the “second city”. However, eating out can be pricey, especially if you like to enjoy a drink or two with your meal. Thankfully, Chicago offers a ...

Karla News

DVD Review: “American Warships”

Piggybacking off the domestic box office disaster “Battleship” as much as they can, The Asylum released their low-budget knock-off entitled “American Warships.” Leave it to these mockbuster makers to swoop in on the dead carcass and pick off all the flesh left on the bone after the brutal slaying it suffered. The original title of ...

Karla News

Toy Review: Fisher-Price’s My First Dollhouse

When my daughter visits her grandma once or twice a year, she spends hours playing with her aunt’s doll house from the 90s. Because of her fascination with the doll house, her daddy and I gave her a toddler doll house for her second birthday; the one we chose is called the Fisher-Price My First ...

Karla News

Creamy French Onion Soup Recipe

Traditionally, french onion soup is made with more of a broth texture and relies heavily on the sherry to add taste. However, this recipe involves a hybrid of french onion soup and cream of onion soup to utilize a variety of flavors all in one soup. This recipe is great for beginners and those looking ...

Karla News

The Top Ten Graduation Songs of 2011

It’s Graduation Day-yes, the long awaited day. You’ve got your cap, tassel, and scrapbooks full of pictures. You think about what you’ll be doing in a year’s time and how everything will change. Then, in an instant, all of the memories hit you at lightning speed. All at once, you’re excited, sad, confused. You’re graduating. ...

Karla News

American Brawler

In the sport of boxing, prizefighters are typically labeled as either a boxer or a brawler. The boxer is someone like Muhammad Ali, fast on his feet, quick with his hands, the type who will gradually wear down his opponent slick combination punching and sharp jabs. The brawler on the other hand is a very ...