Karla News

Morningside Heights: The Best Neighborhood in New York City

The center of academia and most beautiful section of Manhattan is known as Morningside Heights. It is my one of my favorite neighborhoods in North America. Morningside Heights is in the Upper West-side of Manhattan. It has a very low crime rate and is the heart of academia in New York City. The area spans ...

Karla News

Where to Visit, Eat and Stay in Albuquerque New Mexico

Planning a trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico? Well let me help you out. Here are some of the best attractions to see, restaurants to eat at and hotels to stay in. Attractions Sandia Peak Tramway The Sandia Peak Tramway is the world’s largest aerial tramway with a distance of 2.7 miles. Enjoy an 11,000 square ...

Asian Vegetables (Such as Bok Choy and Daikon): How They Got to America and How They Benefit Americans

Bok choy, Chinese long beans, daikon, gailon, hairy melon, sugar peas, Thai pepper–these are some of the Asian specialty vegetables increasingly noticeable in American supermarkets. Most of the vegetables are grown by ethnic Asian farmers. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Asian-Americans operate over ten thousand farms nationwide. Those farmers are largely political ...

Karla News

As Seen on T.V. Product Review: the Magic Bullet

The Magic Bullet System, star of many late night infomercials, is advertised to be a “personal, versatile countertop magician that does any job in ten seconds or less.” One too many late nights and my 17 year old had to have the magic bullet, but at $99.99 it was out of his budget. But wait…for ...

Karla News

Community Colleges in the Denver Area

Local community colleges can be a great way to ease into the university setting, get education for a career change, or just take an interesting class here or there. The Denver area has many great community colleges to choose from. The Community College of Denver offers 45 different programs to choose from. The college is ...

Karla News

SXSW 2012: Best Food Trucks in Austin, Texas, During the Festival

Tens of thousands of people converge on my birthplace, downtown Austin, Texas, each March for the annual SXSW, South by Southwest, Festival and Exposition for Music, Film, and Interactive. This year’s gathering occurs on the following dates: Interactive: March 9-13, Film: March 9-17, and Music: March 13-18. With all of the thousands that are in ...

Karla News

Product Review: Playskool Busy Ball Popper

Last Christmas my in-laws purchased the Playskool Busy Ball Popper for my youngest child, who was 11 months old at the time. This is a great toy from Playskool and is recommended for ages 9 months and up. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out to be a gift that would hold my daughter’s attention for very ...

Karla News

Vasopressin Hormone: The Monogamy Gene?

Vasopressin Hormone: The Monogamy Gene? – Marriage is a bond between two people that is sealed with vows of faithfulness. Marriage is portrayed through the media usually in one of two ways, happily ever after or divorce. What is left out much of the time, is lying cheating and deceiving that leads to those divorces. ...

Karla News

Kids’ Paper Crafts: Origami

Origami projects for kids are great for helping children to learn hand and eye coordination, and are great for parents who dislike the mess associated with most crafts. Simply put, origami is the Japanese art of making items of folded paper, and to a person skilled in the craft it is an art, and worthy ...

Karla News

Ingrown Toe Nail Relief

I know how bad it hurts to have ingrown toe nails. I used to deal with the pain daily, until it was so unbearable that I gave up and went in for surgery. I know the word surgery sounds horrible, but it’s worth it. I will guarantee you that the pain you are dealing with ...