Karla News

Repelling Mice: Natural Mouse Repellent

My damn cat is no mouser, though she sure thinks she is. With Fall fast approaching and Winter not far behind, keeping mice out of our house is a top priority (did you know that mice make a trail through your house that they can follow by peeing all over the place?). Mice can carry ...

Karla News

Mr. Congeniality: Actor/Model Vic Chao

Vic Chao, from the beginning, was a new experience for me. My good friend Larry introduced me to Vic’s site, where Vic’s sarcastic and flippant personality mirrored my own enough to make me take an instant liking to the guy. With credits that include guest roles on hit TV shows including The Division, The District, ...

Karla News

Garbage Bin Composting

Composting can be a great addition to any gardener’s home or non-gardening home. Many people are turning to composting in their backyards for many reason including wanting to reduce landfill waste, fertilizer for their gardens, save money on fertilizer, or to know exactly what is going into their fertilizer. Composting bins can be expensive, hard ...

Karla News

Endgame: Samuel Beckett’s Play as Chess Metaphor

The theme of Samuel Beckett’s Endgame is the angst and universal inevitability of endings, particularly the ultimate ending — death. Endgame’s primary assumption is that there are endings to everything. As the play opens, three of the four characters are in the final stages of life by virtue of age or infirmary. The stage is ...

Karla News

How to Improve your Basketball Game

When I was younger I never envisioned myself as a basketball player. Whenever I did play basketball it was an exercise in futility featuring me swiping at the ball, missing jump shots, and looking really horrid. As such, I realized that basketball was not my thing, nor could it ever be . I just didn’t ...

Karla News

When a Moth Hole Suddenly Appears

Yikes! Your wool sweater just came back from the dry cleaners with a cluster of little holes right on the front. You never saw these holes before so you conclude the cleaners spilled something on your sweater. Not so fast! Before you blame anyone, step back and consider some facts. The true culprit may surprise ...

Karla News

The Best Dog Breeds for Couch Potatoes and Lazy People

Okay, you might be a bit lazy, even a couch potato of sorts. But, you’d still like a dog to keep you company while you watch your favorite action television. You’re just not ready for a dog that wants to play ball or frisbee every five minutes. What are the best dog breeds for lazy ...

Karla News

Metabolic Medical Center Weight Loss

Anyone who is overweight can testify that losing it is a struggle that is ongoing and difficult. When the weight that needs to be lost is significant often the best route is through programs that combine a physician and a lifestyle change. Metabolic Medical Centers offer this and more. The Metabolic Medical Center diet is ...

Karla News

Making 80s Fashion Modern Again

The 80s are back in a big way! You may not be able to recall the epitome of eighties fashion, but it centered around big hair, big shoulder pads, and high top sneakers. Equally important were neon brights, horizontal stripes, and acid-washed jeans. Strong makeup was king. And everyone flipped up the collars of their ...