Dry Socket Home Remedies

I had a tooth pulled on Saturday. The procedure was so smooth it was over before I knew it, so I felt lucky, since the previous one had been a nightmare. I followed all of the dentist’s recommendations to the letter: no smoking (I don’t smoke, so that one was easy), no spitting (gross! easy!), ...

Drinking Water: Plastic Bottle Dangers

Many people drink bottled water. It’s convenient when you’re out in hot weather and it is also convenient when you’re on the go. It’s easy to get and more convenient to take with you. You won’t have to carry around a cup and put it under the tap every-time you need water, you just open ...

Brookhaven Obesity Clinic: Helping the Morbidly Obese

Located in New York, Brookhaven Obesity Clinic has 75 beds allotted for its patients. In addition, the clinic is featured on a weekly television show on The Learning Channel. This clinic is not for the average morbidly obese American but for what the television has dubbed the “super-sized obese.” The average weight, for those in ...

Foot Problems and Diabetes

I have a son who was diagnosed as a type one diabetic when he was 12. He is now in his twenties and in good health. As I learned about his condition, the importance of looking after his feet was impressed on me by several health specialists. Why are Diabetics Prone to Foot Problems Diabetes ...

Karla News

Calendula for Healthy Skin

Calendula, Latin name calendula officinalis, is a powerful member of the daisy family that works wonders on the skin. Named in ancient Roman times, calendula is one of the oldest known skin healers in history. It was such a potent healer, in fact, that it was often used to treat the scorpion bites of ancient ...

Job Ideas for People Who like to Help Others

Are you looking for job or career ideas for people who like to help others? Are you an outgoing and friendly person and looking for career options that fit your personality? Want a job where you will make a difference in the lives of others? Here are some job ideas for people who like to ...

Grandpa’s Wonder Pine Tar Soap: A Review

I’ve had eczema on my arms and legs since I was a kid, and last year it really started to become really dry, itchy and painful every time I took a shower and used soaps on it. I tried using lots of different soap brands and formulas, from those that were gentle to those that ...