Karla News

The Best 10 Songs by Switchfoot

it’s incredibly satisfying to discover a band on your own. It’s even more satisfying when you find them ahead of the curve, before they become a sensation. This is how I came to know Switchfoot. They are my discovery; and I found them just prior to the release of their breakout album The Beautiful Letdown. ...

Karla News

Top 5 Potty Training Books for Parents

For some parents the issue of potty training sneaks up on them, while for others planning has been occurring for months (or years!) before they actually start the process. Some parents like to fly by the seat of their pants while others like to prepare through reading and research. There are some wonderful books available ...

Karla News

Similac Advanced Infant Formula VS. Kirkland Signature Infant Formula

Having a baby is by far the most wonderful experience you can endure in life. However, the numerous expenses can take quite a significant chunk out of your pocketbook. Infant formula is no exception. The majority of pediatricians will most likely advise you to stick with a more expensive, well-known formula, such as Similac or ...

Karla News

Can You Overdose on Vitamin B-12?

Can you overdose on vitamin B-12? Not really, but you can experience side effects from having far too much of it. You will probably not die from side effects of too much vitamin B-12, but it can give some seriously annoying symptoms. But in a controversial report published in the New York Times back in ...