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1973’s The Exorcist: The Most Disturbing Movie I’ve Ever Seen

The Exorcist

The Exorcist is the definitive horror film. In my 25 years of watching horror movies, I have never seen any other movie get as big of a response as The Exorcist has, and that response is pure terror. When the movie debuted in 1973, horror fans literally jumped up from their seats and ran to the lobby screaming all the way.

Many of the viewers vomited or passed out from fright. In many cases, theaters actually reported of having to call ambulances, which caused some theaters, from around the world, to ban the movie.

It has been more than 20 years since I had first seen this movie. After watching it again, in my opinion, it still remains just as
terrifying as the first time I had seen it. It does, however, lose a little something because it’s not quite as shocking. That being said, it is still pound for pound the scariest movie I have ever seen.

Although there is not a lot of gore, there are some really good make up effects. In my opinion, they are the best I’ve ever seen in a horror movie. The image of Regan being possessed has terrified me for more than 20 years and still does. That’s not even mentioning the demon voice that freaked me out. That along with sacrilegious desecration of church and human flesh makes The Exorcist a movie that continually makes you want to close your eyes.

This is why I definitely do not think it’s for the weak at heart or the squeamish, especially if you’re watching the uncut version which I was. I don’t think I have ever seen, or ever will see, a movie with more disturbing images in it.

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I also thought the cast of actors did a superb job of acting. Jason Miller, Ellen Burstyn, and Linda Blair were all nominated for Academy and / or Golden Globe awards. Unfortunately for Linda Blair, controversy surrounded her nomination for best supporting actress when it was discovered that her voice was not used when she was possessed. Even though they could not take back her nomination the controversy is most likely the cause of her losing.

I do wish George C. Scott had played Lieutenant William Kinderman in this film as he does in Exorcist III for continuity,
though not because Lee J. Cobb is bad here. The music adds another layer of dark mood to this already
terror-filled film. Who can forget Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells?

With all these contributing factors there’s no doubt in my mind as to which is the scariest movie I have ever seen. And that’s not even mentioning that if you adjusted for inflation, this would be the top grossing R-rated film of all time.