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10 Tips to Travel in Hot Weather

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Toasty temperatures and summer vacations can coexist, but you need to prepare yourself before heading out on the road. Here are 10 tips that will help you stay cool while you travel in hot weather:

1. Prepare your car for a road trip in hot weather. Car engines can overheat in hot temperatures and cause fires. Before heading out on the road, make sure your radiator has enough fluid and it working. Inflating your tires properly also will reduce your gas mileage and keep your car working efficiently. You also should ensure that your air conditioner is working perfectly to keep your passengers cool and improve your gas mileage versus keeping the windows cracked.

2. Plan your road trip for cooler hours. Your car’s engine will perform better early in the morning or late at night, when temperatures are cooler.

3. Hydrate. Water is necessary for life, but it also will keep you cool. It’s best to have cold water on hand, but if you don’t, drink plenty of room-temperature water. Although you can consume other drinks, be careful of drinking too many sodas, which can dehydrate you. Sports drinks stuffed with salt and sugar also can make you feel thirstier than you really are.

4. Dress the part. Hot weather travel requires less clothing in order for you to feel comfortable. Going on a plane? Pants or jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt are best. Traveling by car? Go for flip-flops and shorts. Clothes in light colors reflect heat away from your body, while black or dark clothes suck in the heat.

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5. Slather on sunscreen and stay out of the sun. If you get a sunburn, you will feel warmer than usual. Sitting in the sun will warm you too, so find a shady spot to stay cool. This is very important when you’re traveling in hot weather, because you want to make yourself as comfortable as possible so you don’t tire prematurely.

6. If you’re planning to camp out in hot weather, make sure to bring the right equipment. It will be coolest to sleep under the stars with a tarp rigged above you because it will allow for air flow. If you only have a winter sleeping bag, bring it to use as a pad to sleep on and curl up with blankets and sheets instead.

7. Bring shades. Sunglasses will keep UV rays from penetrating your eyes. A car sunshade will keep your dash cooler than if it was under the hot sun all day. You may consider placing a towel over your steering wheel to be certain that it won’t become uncomfortably hot to handle. If you have a baby, consider getting a roll-down shade for the window closest to him so that he is not burnt or bothered by the sun.

8. Keep your pets cool. No matter where you are, you should never leave your pet in an uncomfortably hot car or room when you’re traveling in hot weather. Make sure to give your pet access to food and water regularly. Don’t put your pet’s carrier in the sun, and don’t leave your pet alone in the car for any length of time.

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9. Learn the warning signs of heat exhaustion. If you’re feeling dizzy or nauseous and have a headache or cramps, you should stop what you are doing and drink fluids in a shady area. You may need to rest for an hour or more in order to return to your activity.

10. Don’t push yourself. While you may want to “make good time” on a summer road trip, pushing yourself and your car too much will make you feel tired and can lead to accidents. Plan on taking regular stretch breaks, and decide how much driving you can do safely before you get bored. If you need to, take a nap at a rest stop or plan to spend an extra night in a hotel.

Staff, Hot Weather Travel. Geico Direct.
Tim Dales, What you Should Know About Hot Weather Camping. Ezine.