Top 5 Health and Fitness Magazines

Let’s face it; health and fitness are extremely important. It is a lot easier to enjoy life when you are healthy. That’s not to say that if you are experiencing health issues that you can’t enjoy yourself, but if you have your health, you are very lucky. That is why health and fitness magazines are so very popular. There are dozens of magazines devoted to health and fitness. Many specialize in diet, exercise and physical training and others are for sports enthusiasts. Here is a Top 5 list of health and fitness magazines and what they have to offer.

1. Prevention Magazine – This is one of my favorite magazines. It is a monthly periodical that is smaller than other magazines but only in size. Prevention offers numerous articles on health and fitness in short quick little bites that keep you hungry for more. From beginning to end, Prevention is filled with medical info, health and beauty tips, super-informative articles and healthy recipes. If you want information on it, Prevention has it. Smart ways to live well is Prevention’s motto and it is very fitting because it is one smart magazine. One of my favorite sections of Prevention is the Letter from the Editor. Liz Vaccariello always gives a very personable letter that details the current issue and how it relates to the lives of her readers. Prevention is a bargain at 16.97 for a year subscription. The magazine also has a website with hundreds of tips and interactive tools to keep you happy and healthy at

2. Women’s Health Magazine – Women’s Health is another health and fitness publication that I enjoy. This is a standard sized magazine that is colorful, informative and very cutting edge. It is for the everyday woman who may be a wife, mother, student, and/or executive who loves to take care of herself. The articles are very well written and many of them touch on topics that people think about but don’t often talk about such as skeletons in one’s sex closet. I can always count on Women’s Health for an in-depth interview with a hot celebrity who shares their health and beauty secrets. The magazine also features fat-blasting workout moves on tear off cards that you can take with you to the gym or post on your wall at home. Women’s Health costs $11.97 for a 10-issue subscription plus $2.97 for delivery. Your subscription also comes with a free gift. To order, go to

3. Men’s Health Magazine – This magazine which is tailored for male readers is comparable to Women’s Health in that it is colorful and informative. Every now and again, I will take a sneak peek at a copy if my sweetie puts it down long enough. This is his favorite magazine. The articles are always fresh and exciting which they would have to be to keep most men interested. I love the Eat This Not That section because it gives tips on the types of foods and brands you should be eating, versus those that you should avoid. Men’s Health also features relationship advice, an abdominal cruncher workout, style tips and a question and answer section that is always appealing. The magazine is a little pricier than others costing $19.90 plus $4.97 for delivery, but its well worth it to keep men healthy, stylish and well-informed. Men’s Health also has an awesome website at

4. Fitness Magazine – Fitness Magazine is for the Mind, Body and Spirit. With this publication, I can always count on a beautiful cover. It is not just the cover that is outstanding, the magazine is great too. Of course, fitness is the main objective of this periodical, therefore, you can find all types of workouts to slim down, tone up and work that booty. Fitness magazine has tips to help you look great from head to toe and everywhere in between. My favorite section is I did it. This chronicles stories of real life women who have beaten the battle of the bulge and how they lost the weight. Fitness magazine is a great read and readers are even tweeting about their mag. You can check them out at or visit the magazine’s website at Fitness magazine costs $16.97 for a full year.

5. Arthritis Today – Since arthritis runs in my family, I subscribed to Arthritis Today. I wanted to have as much info as possible on the ailment so that I wouldn’t have to suffer like my grandmother (See AC Article: Arthritis is such a pain). Imagine my surprise when I received a magazine that not only gave me tips for coping with and preventing arthritis, but also articles on health and fitness and low fat recipes. Arthritis Today is packed with remedies to fight the inflammation of arthritis as well as exercises to walk off the weight and keep those joints moving, in addition to mature articles on exercise safety and nutritious snacks. A one year (6 issues) subscription to Arthritis Today is $12.95. You can order it at

All five of these magazines are filled from cover to cover with ways to keep your mind, body and soul healthy. Be sure to take some time to check them out at your local bookstore, library, newsstand or online. Trust me; your health will thank you. Happy Reading!


Current Copies of: Arthritis Today, Fitness Magazine, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Prevention Magazine and personal knowledge.


Karla News

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