Categories: Parenting

Is ADHD Hereditary?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is turning out to be one of the most important, and common, problems of the developed world in this century. The only reason the developing world lags behind in the matter of ADHD cases and frequency of occurrence is presumably the lower levels of awareness and hence diagnosis in these countries.

Children once known as the “enfant terrible”s of their family or class, are now adults who are discovering the same traits in their kids, and others. Suddenly, these erstwhile problem children are being forced to ask themselves, is ADHD hereditary?

If you have finally realized that the source of some of your major lifelong problems is ADHD, and if you see the same traits in your kid, realizing that the same set of problems awaits her in her future; now is a good time to start thinking about the genetic linkage of the disorder. Is ADHD hereditary then? The truth is that no one knows quite conclusively yet. However, research conducted in recent times, and being undertaken now, seems to indicate a definite link to family history.

Extensive research has shown that the causes of ADHD include things like the environment, trauma, diet, congenital brain abnormalities, and genetics. For example, research shows a possible link of smoking and alcohol use by pregnant women to the onset of ADHD in their children in future. Accidents that cause brain injury can also lead to signs of ADHD like behavior, although it is rare.

Diet also seems to have some links with the occurrence of ADHD, and refined sugar, lead, or food additives, can cause or intensify symptoms. A change in diet can help up to 5% of kids with ADHD in managing their symptoms better. Some ADHD patients seem to show a significant difference in brain structure from non ADHD kids, leading to speculation about possible links with congenital brain structure differences.

But is ADHD hereditary? Genetic factors would seem to play a significant role in the development of ADHD. The disorder seems to run in families, to a large extent. The numbers range between 20 and 25 percent of diagnosed ADHD cases. In other words up to a quarter of kids diagnosed with ADHD have at least one close relative with the same disorder. More and more parents are discovering their own life long, and unmanaged, ADHD after their kids are diagnosed. Studies seem to indicate a strong genetic link, although the specific genes responsible have not been conclusively identified and isolated so far.

So far, one can only safely say that ADHD seems to be caused by neurobiological or genetic factors. Environmental factors like diet can make the symptoms much more severe, but do not seem to cause ADHD by themselves. Although ADHD does not run only on families, it tends to occur much more frequently in children with close relatives having the same disorder.

Is ADHD hereditary? Children without any relative who has ADHD are less likely to have it. Research has identified some genes as having a possible link with the development of ADHD in children, but a lot more research is needed before any solid conclusion can be drawn. Ongoing research is showing more and more biological and hereditary links to ADHD than environmental ones. So if you have a close relative with ADHD, and your child shows similar symptoms, consider investigating.

Managing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is easy with natural and homeopathic treatments, and these remedies can be used either with conventional drug therapy or on their own. Herbal remedies can calm hyperactive children, improve concentration and attention, and reduce impulsive, and erratic behavior. They support mental, physical and emotional health, building a stronger child, rather than simply suppressing the symptoms of ADHD. If you can help your child get better than the answer to the question: is ADHD hereditary doesn’t really matter all that much.

Look for remedies with Hyoscyamus for relief from sudden outbursts, Arsen iod for balance and to prevent temper tantrums: Verta. The herb Tuberculinum works to soothe irritability.

Laura Ramirez is a passionate advocate of using natural remedies for ADHD and other health issues. Read more about her research by going to

She is also the award-winning author of the parenting book, Keepers of the Children: Native American Wisdom and Parenting which teaches parents how to raise kids to develop their strengths and lead fulfilling, productive lives.

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