Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Great at Home Workout Tips

Going to the gym can be time consuming and expensive. Not to mention the fact that you have to work out in front of total strangers who always seem to be much more in shape than yourself. If you’re looking for an alternative to getting a gym membership, here are a few ideas to plan your own at home workout.

Mini Trampoline

This workout idea is my favorite. I bought a mini trampoline about a year ago and have used it consistently ever since. You can find one of these great gym alternatives at most sporting goods stores and even your local Wal-Mart. They don’t take up much space and can be easily stored. A great idea for a workout is to roll out your trampoline while you’re watching television and run in place on it. It takes your normal couch potato routine and turns it into a fun workout.

Fitness Ball

The fitness ball is such a cheap and easy alternative to going to the gym. Again, you can pick one up at most sporting goods stores or online. There are so many different ways to utilize fitness balls to work out your whole body. You can balance your feet up on it and do pushups, use it to strengthen your core by getting a wider range when doing sit-ups, and even use it to get tighter buns by doing lifts. The fitness ball is definitely a great at home workout idea.


If you’re looking for a workout that doesn’t require any equipment, dancing is a great one! It’s great for cardio and let’s face it, dancing is just plain fun. You can get a workout dvd that utilizes dancing if you wish (Zumba is a highly popular one) or you can simply throw on your favorite tunes and do your own thing. Make sure to warm up first though!

Jump Rope

Another great cardiovascular workout is jumping rope. Jump ropes are cheap and you can even make your own if you have some thick rope lying around. Simply jumping rope for 10 or 15 minutes a day can really be a great workout for your heart. It strengthens your legs as well and the rope itself takes up barely any space in your home. It’s definitely one to consider when planning your at home workout routine.

All of these are great alternatives to working out in the gym. You can add any of them to your at home workout routine or use them to create a new one. Don’t forget about any workout that requires only your body as a tool as well. Utilize workouts like squats, pushups, sit-ups, leg lifts, and lunges when planning your at home workout. The key to getting a great body is having fun in the process, if you aren’t having a good time you won’t keep up with your routing. Have fun and watch the inches shed!

Karla News

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