Anti-Inflammatory Foods And Beverages May Speed Healing Following Injury

Besides ice packs, aspirin, and other pain-relievers, athletes and non-athletes should also note nutrition’s major role in the healing of injuries and lessening inflammation. Certain foods and beverages can affect both the short and long-term duration of sports, work, and home-related injuries such as sprains, strains, cuts, bruises, swelling, and broken bones. Researchers are finding that what one consumes following injury and during the treatment phase can either promote recovery or, in some cases, delay healing. And, not only does nutrition positively or negatively affect injury rehabilitation, but also aids or hinders recovery of general and/or chronic muscle or joint soreness following intense exercise workouts, practices and games for athletes and non-athletes. These same anti-inflammatory foods and beverages promote healing of injuries and are also excellent for post workout/post practice/post game muscle and joint recovery.

Foods and Beverages That Subdue Inflammation

Jean Carper, author and nutrition columnist for USA Weekend magazine (March 9, 2003), mentions that both non-athletes and athletes need to be aware of the dangers of inflammation in the body “characterized by pain, redness and swelling” (persistent pain and swelling is called “chronic” inflammation) and if not properly addressed, scientists have discovered that prolonged inflammation contributes to diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, depression, and cancer. Carper lists the following foods and beverages that have anti-inflammatory qualities and may even accelerate recovery from sports-related or non-athletic injuries: Grapes, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, kiwis, olive oil, celery, ginger, garlic, curry powder, eggplant, nuts, tuna, salmon, mackerel, black and green tea, and red wine and beer (only when consumed in moderation with food and no more than two alcoholic drinks per day). Excessive alcohol can have a reverse healing effect by either triggering inflammation and/or impeding healing (certain foods and beverages also spur inflammation and will be listed later).

Foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, peppers) and vitamin E (nuts, olive oil) have anti-inflammatory effects. Omega-3 rich fish oil and fatty salt-water fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel) also fight inflammation, besides the widespread publicity in recent years of such fish benefiting both heart and brain health. Scientists have also found how seafood combats inflammation in cases of arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, depression and Crohn’s Disease. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial to rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Several clinical trials found that eating 3 grams of fish fats a day relieved the joint pain, swelling, and morning stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis and reduced the need for drugs. Fish oil seems to cut the inflammation that causes rheumatoid arthritis symptoms,” according to Prevention magazine (June 2005).

The herb turmeric (an ingredient in the condiment mustard) has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory qualities, according to the web site, which states “turmeric contains curcumin which is an even better anti-inflammatory than cortisone, one of the most powerful of the steroids.” And Jean Carper also mentions that curcumin is found in curry powder, another anti-inflammatory source. Athletes and non-athletes alike who experience chronic shoulder, back and knee pain, for example, may take note of curcumin’s powerful role in easing inflammation. Another wonderful anti-inflammatory food is eggplant which “contains the important mineral potassium, as well as phytochemicals that have antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities,” according to the web site (August 5, 2004).

Water: The Number One Anti-Inflammatory Beverage

It was previously mentioned how black and green tea and red wine and beer were anti-inflammatory beverages. However, athletes and non-athletes should focus on the number one beverage to reduce inflammation: Plain, ordinary water. Athletes not only must drink ample amounts of water to prevent dehydration during workouts, practices and games, but water both in solid form (when ice packs are topically applied immediately following an injury to prevent inflammation such as swelling) and when consumed in liquid form can hasten recovery during injury rehabilitation and also help heal chronic joint and back pain. According to Ferydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., author of Your Body’s Many Cries For Water (Global Health, 1995), “Ulcers, asthma, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, back and joint pain (arthritis), chronic fatigue syndrome, breast cancer, overweight problems, stress and depression are just some of the conditions that respond well to an adequate water intake.” Jane E. Brody, health columist for The New York Times (July 11, 2000) also mentions water’s role in injury prevention. She cites IDEA, an international health and fitness organization, which points out, “Water regulates body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen, carries away waste, helps detoxify the kidneys and liver, dissolves vitamins and minerals and cushions the body from injury.” Perhaps a case could be made that dehydrated athletes face a greater risk of injury, therefore, another reason not to refuse water bottles from team trainers during practices and games.

Another common beverage with anti-inflammatory properties is milk. It has been well documented how the calcium and vitamin D in milk builds strong bones (calcium and vitamin D-rich foods and beverages are also advisable not only in maintaining and building bone density, but for preventing broken bones and also helping broken bones heal faster). Men’s Health magazine (December 2001) states how milk may also be anti-inflammatory in laboratory studies with animals. Scientists have found that the conjugated-linoleic acid (CLA) in milk can “enhance immune function, reduce inflammation, and protect against cancer in animals.”

Foods/Beverages Causing Inflammation

Beware of high-protein diets, sugary foods, white rice, white potatoes, white bread, over-processed cereals, cooking foods on high heat (especially meats), and foods containing omega-6 fats such as corn and soybean oils. They all provoke inflammation, according to Carper. She also says that the high-glycemic foods listed such as sugar, white bread, white potatoes and white rice “spike blood sugar” which in turn “spur inflammation.

Athletes and non-athletes should also monitor their protein intake and should note that high-protein diets “boost inflammation,” Carper says, and that a study shows that “in people on a high-protein diet for a year, blood vessel inflammation jumped 62 per cent and coronary artery disease worsened.” The way meat or poultry is cooked also can induce inflammation. “Grilling, broiling and frying meat and poultry create damaged proteins called AGEs (advanced glycosylation end products) that trigger inflammation.” She says that to “reduce AGEs, poach or boil chicken, and eat more fish. Broiled fish has about one-fourth the AGEs of broiled steak or chicken.” Concerning beverages, alcohol is both good and bad. While low to moderate intake of alcoholic beverages reduces inflammation, excessive alcohol, as earlier mentioned, provokes inflammation, as do sugary soft drinks.

The Overweight Are Prone To Higher Inflammation

Another area where nutrition affects inflammation is overeating or consuming excess calories contributing to either obesity or simply becoming overweight with more body fat than lean muscle. Carper mentions, “Overweight people usually have high inflammation. As pounds disappear, inflammation subsides.” Citing a University of Vermont study, she says, “In obese women who lost an average of 39 pounds, inflammation levels dropped 32 per cent.” So, if you’re an overweight athlete who gets injured such as a football linebacker or heavyweight wrestler (endomorph or mesomorph body types) who is generally big-boned and muscular yet carries extra body fat, for instance, the inflammation may linger and injuries may take longer to heal than in the case of a leaner athlete who is more physically fit and not overweight.


In general, foods and beverages consumed in the hours, days and weeks following an injury may influence how fast one returns to work, sports and other activities. While some foods and drinks prevent or reduce inflammation, thus speeding the healing process, other foods and beverages fuel the fire causing chronic pain, setting an individual backwards during the rehabilitation period. And these same foods and drinks can either aid or deter recovery from minor or chronic muscle and joint soreness following intense exercise, sports practices and games.

James Carpentier is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, licensed massage therapist, and health and fitness writer in New Jersey.

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