Categories: Beauty

Why B5 Vitamins are Best for Acne Treatment

Acne is a common skin condition that many mistakenly assume is only a problem for teens. The truth is that acne affects millions of people, including many adults, and a common concern is finding the best treatment for the condition. There are many treatments for acne, including topical treatments, prescription medications and more natural cures such as B5 vitamins. Not all treatments work well for clearing up acne, and some of them cause unpleasant side effects. B5 vitamins stand out as the best choice for treating acne.

Some topical medications work well for treating acne, but others do not. Many people spend years of their lives applying topical treatments to their acne with varying levels of success. One major concern with topical treatments is that they contain chemicals that are absorbed into the skin. It is not known exactly what effect this has on the body, but there are certainly some risks and side effects from the absorption of topical medications into the body.

A second option is prescription medications. Some prescriptions drugs, such as Accutane, are effective against acne but also have negative side effects. Some of the more severe side effects include serious problems with organs including the liver, intestines, and eyes. Other documented side effects include severe depression and even suicide in rare cases. These effects are a high price to pay for a face free of acne.

B5 vitamins are a third option, and one that is ideal for many people who suffer from acne. One of the main benefits to using vitamin B5 for acne is the fact that it is a more natural choice. There are no harmful chemicals being absorbed into your body. You simply take the B5 vitamin pills just like you would take any other vitamin supplement. Vitamin B5 is water soluble, which makes it impossible to overdose.

Because vitamin B5 is a natural product, there are very few, if any, side effects. Some people do report a bit of stomach irritation or diarrhea when taking vitamin B5, but those symptoms are usually short-lived. Compare those side effects to the ones caused by prescription drugs such as Accutane, and it’s easy to see why vitamin B5 is a better choice. Vitamin B5 has also been known to cause some positive side effects such as increased energy.

Vitamin B5 works by regulating the body’s oil-producing glands, which then effectively reduces oily skin. Because of this, Vitamin B5 treats the actual source of the acne problem rather than combating only the symptoms. For that reason, this treatment is much more effective than the topical creams on the market. Once you begin treating the cause of your acne, the symptoms (oily skin, pimples, etc.) simply disappear!

The most important reason that B5 vitamins are the absolute best choice for treating acne is that the treatment actually works. The vitamins work to reduce oily skin, which in turn reduces and eliminates acne. The B5 vitamin treatment can also cause pores to shrink, which also reduces acne and improves the overall look of the face.

There are many kinds of acne treatments available, but they are not equal in treating and curing acne. Some treatments such as topical creams have only a minimal effect on treating acne. At the same time, topical creams and prescription medications such as Accutane can have a range of unpleasant side effects. In the case of Accutane, these side effects can be serious and sometimes deadly. A clearly superior alternative is the B5 vitamin treatment. B5 vitamins are safe, have minimal side effects, and treat acne at its source. B5 vitamins are an excellent choice for those looking to eliminate their acne.

There are many brands of B5 vitamin based acne treatment available but only one is available in both capsule and liquid form and only one that also includes additional ingredients along with the B5 vitamins to make the treatment more effective. That brand is Vilantae. This is a trusted brand that has a 100% money back guarantee on all purchases.


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