Categories: Beauty

Dog Cystitis, Treatment and Symptoms

If your dog seems to be having difficulty urinating, has blood in the urine, or is in pain while urinating, it could be suffering from cystitis, a bladder infection, or a problem of the urethra or prostate.

Dog cystitis symptoms and treatment

This is a condition that needs to be treated promptly by a veterinarian in order to diagnose the exact nature of the infection so it can be quickly put to rights. Cystitis in itself, if caught early, shouldn’t be too much of a problem particularly if it is found that bacteria is causing the condition. Even so, prompt treatment is always essential so the infection does not reach the kidneys.

Possible Causes of Cystitis in Dogs ~

There are a number of reasons a dog might be suffering from cystitis and these include a bacterial infection, injury to the bladder after an accident, urine retention because of inherited bladder defects, stones or tumours, dehydration or vitamin A deficiency.

Therefore because cystitis can be due to a number of reasons, it is important to have this condition treated by your veterinarian. A sample will be taken to determine acidic levels and to test the urine for blood and glucose. From this your dog will be treated with the necessary antibiotics. In repeated bouts of cystitis, there may also be a necessity for further tests in the form of ultrasound or x-rays if, for instance, the condition is due to bladder stones.

In males, infections of the prostate gland can lead to urinary tract infections and sometimes painful defecation or blood and pus in the urine. Castration and long-term antibiotic treatments may aid improvement.

Main Symptoms of Cystitis in Dogs ~

If a dog that is normally clean starts to have “accidents,” urinating in the home, or if you notice a change in your dog’s urinating habits such as:

* he or she is urinating more frequently than normal or is having trouble urinating
* your dog seems to be in pain when urinating

* his or her urine has an uncharacteristic odour

then it could be your dog has cystitis, a bladder or kidney infection.

Cystitis caused by a bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics if caught in the early stages. Infection left untreated can lead to further health complications including kidney failure. This is why it is imperative that the condition be treated as early as possible.

Kidney disease can ultimately lead to kidney failure and this is a common ailment in older dogs. Catch the disease early in order to try to prevent this and the earliest symptom is usually frequent urination.

It is important to also remember that whatever the symptoms, never withhold water from a dog.

Homeopathic Treatment for Cystitis in Dogs

It has been found that some herbs can help ease symptoms of cystitis and sometimes prevent kidney stones from forming. These might be used alongside medicines prescribed by your veterinary.

Some herbs such as Bunchu help increase the flow of urine, some like Parsley Piert might help dissolve kidney stones. Juniper has an antiseptic effect, Bearberry too has antiseptic properties that might help aid in the healing of dog cystitis.


Messonnier S. “Natural Health Bible for Dogs and Cats”. Prima Lifestyles. (2001)

Tedaldi J. “What’s Wrong with My Dog?” Fair Winds Press. (2007)

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