Categories: Pets

When to Take Your Dog to the Vet

My dogs are always racing around chasing each other, wrestling and jumping. Because they are so active, every now and then, one of them will come up with a limp. Having been around dogs my entire life, I know how to evaluate their injury to determine if a vet visit is necessary. However, not everyone has the same amount of experience I have. As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to provide our pets with vet care when they need it, but how do you know when it’s time to take your dog to the vet? Emergencies happen in the blink of an eye and dog health care is an ongoing observation for the life of a pet.

Soft tissue injuries and broken bones
A weekend hike can be fun, but if your dog is a couch potato during the week, he can injure himself when he’s not used to the exercise. Even an active dog who gets plenty of exercise can hurt themselves. Broken or dislocated bones obviously need a vet’s attention. Soft tissue injuries involve the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Minor muscle pulls will usually heal themselves in 3 or 4 days, but if your dog continues to limp after 4 days, it’s more than a minor injury and he should see a vet. Muscle tears and torn ligaments will need specific care. If your dog whines, yelps when you touch him, or refuses to put weight on an injured leg or foot, call your vet.

Skin conditions, lumps, hidden wounds and ear infections
Grooming your dog is the best way to find injuries and small lumps that are hidden under the fur. It’s common to find small growths as a dog grows older and many times the lump is nothing more than a benign growth. But anytime you find a lump on your dog, it should be checked out by a vet.

Skin allergies and hot spots can drive a pet and pet owner crazy. Whining, chewing, frantic scratching, loss of hair or itchy patches of dry flaky skin are signs of skin allergies or hot spots. Minor hot spots can be dealt with using over the counter products and natural or homemade remedies, but if you don’t see immediate improvement, call your vet. Skin allergies will need to be taken care of by a vet. A change of diet to a higher quality dog food could solve their allergy problem, but skin allergies are tricky to figure out and can take some time to diagnose.

Ear infections can be almost as hard to get rid of as a skin allergy. Most over the counter medications don’t really do the job and can worsen the problem if you prolong taking your dog to the vet. Shaking the head, holding one ear at an angle, smelling a bad odor coming from the ear, whining or yelping when they scratch inside and around the ear or if you touch the base of their ear; these are symptoms of an ear infection. This is not an emergency, but it does require a vet visit.

Vomiting and diarrhea
Dogs are opportunistic and will eat anything they find laying around. This can lead to an upset stomach and your dog reacts by throwing up on your carpet or has a nasty attack of diarrhea. Mild cases of vomiting or diarrhea should clear up within 24 hours. However, if it’s persistent and your dog vomits or has diarrhea more than a few times, call the vet if it lasts longer than 12 hours. Vomiting and diarrhea are indications of other health concerns that could be life threatening. Any time your pet is lethargic, refuses to eat or drink, seems unsteady on his feet, has a temperature, has pale gums, has blood in vomit or diarrhea, or refuses to move, call your vet immediately.

True Emergencies
Emergencies can happen at any time. Call your vet immediately if you can’t control bleeding, your pet appears to be choking, is convulsing, is having a seizure, falls down or is unconscious, appears to be having a heart attack, has injured an eye, suffered burns, has signs of bloating, difficulty in breathing, has an allergic reaction to medication or flea control, urinates more than usual or is having trouble urinating or if the urine has a strong odor; especially if your dog is a female who hasn’t been spayed. Persistent vomiting or diarrhea, if you suspect your pet consumed something poisonous, has been bitten by a wild animal or an unfamiliar dog, or suffered any kind of trauma. Heat stroke and hypothermia are also emergencies. Quick action is needed to get ahead of developing medical conditions and to prevent unseen injuries from becoming major health concerns. Just because your dog looks alright, it doesn’t mean he is.

General checkup once a year
Yearly visits are a must for any needed vaccinations and a general exam to make sure your dog is in good health. It’s also a good time to ask questions about your dog’s health care. If your pet does have a medical condition, your vet will want to monitor him closely and may ask you to bring him in more often. Follow your vet’s advice because he/she knows your dog inside and out.

If you’ve rescued a dog from the street or adopted one from a shelter, it’s always a good idea to have your vet examine him, especially if he was a stray, as soon as you can schedule an appointment.

Your dog depends on you for his safety and health care. Prompt action in an emergency can save his life. Minor injuries and conditions that clear up quickly don’t require a vet’s attention as long as you monitor the injury or condition to make sure it hasn’t gotten worse. Knowing when to take your dog to the vet can help keep vet bills down, but never hesitate to call your vet if you are unsure what to do.

Karla News

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